
Multiple Fellowships Available

  1. Graduate Research Fellowship Available
    Prince William Sound Oil Spill Recovery Institute

  2. Scientist in Residency Fellowships
    Sitka Sound Science Center
    Sitka, Alaska

  1. Graduate Research Fellowship Available
    Prince William Sound Oil Spill Recovery Institute

The Prince William Sound Oil Spill Recovery Institute (OSRI) seeks
proposals for a graduate research fellowship in 2012. The program offers
qualified masters and doctoral students the opportunity to address
scientific questions of significance to high latitude cold climate

The OSRI fellowship is awarded annually and available to students
admitted to or enrolled in a full-time masters or doctoral program at
accredited colleges and universities. The award may be funded for up to
two years for masters or three years for doctoral level research.
Students may reapply for additional funding and those proposals will be
evaluated as new proposals.

The OSRI funds are provided to support research projects that will
enhance scientific understanding of the marine ecosystem, provide
information needed by managers and decision-makers for oil spill
response and recovery, and promote socioeconomic awareness and
understanding of marine and estuarine ecosystems.

The fellowship award may be used for tuition and research related
expenses. The amount of the fellowship is $25,000 with a match
requirement of at least 25% of the total project cost provided by the
applicant. Funding will begin on 1 July 2012.

Application deadline: Friday, 24 February 2012.

For further information about the OSRI graduate student fellowship
program and application procedures, please download:

For further information about OSRI, please go to:

  1. Scientist in Residency Fellowships
    Sitka Sound Science Center
    Sitka, Alaska

The Sitka Sound Science Center seeks applicants for four Scientists in
Residency Fellowships (SIRF). These one-month fellowships are available
throughout the academic year and located in Sitka, Alaska.

The Sitka Sound Science Center is a nonprofit organization whose mission
is to increase understanding and awareness of the aquatic and
terrestrial ecosystem in the Gulf of Alaska. The SIRF program, funded by
the National Science Foundation with additional support from the Karsh
Foundation, provides support for one-month mini-sabbaticals to allow
scientists time to work on completing data analysis, writing research
results, or collaborating with other scientists. The SIRF program also
provides a range of community engagement opportunities for scientists to
explain their research to the public.

Application deadline: Wednesday, 15 February 2012.

For further information about the Sitka Sound Science Center, please go

For further information about the selection process and to download the
application, please go to:

For questions, please contact:
Victoria O'Connell
Email: voconnell [at]
Phone: 907-747-8878