
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Registration Available
    Arctic Frontiers 2012
    Energies of the High North
    22-27 January 2012
    Tromso, Norway

  2. Workshop Announcement
    SMOSIce User Workshop
    17 February 2012
    Hamburg, Germany

  3. Save the Date
    Geomorphology and Quaternary Palaeogeography of Polar Regions
    9-17 September 2012
    St. Petersburg, Russia

  4. Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    AS2.3 - Boundary Layers in High Latitudes: Physical and Chemical
    Processes Including Atmosphere-Ice Chemical Interactions
    European Geoscience Union General Assembly
    22-27 April 2012
    Vienna, Austria

  1. Registration Available
    Arctic Frontiers 2012
    Energies of the High North
    22-27 January 2012
    Tromso, Norway

Registration for the Arctic Frontiers 2012 conference, "Energies of the
High North," is now available. The conference is scheduled for 22-27
January 2012 in Tromso, Norway.

The conference will bring together representatives from science,
politics, and civil society to share perspectives on how upcoming
challenges in the Arctic may be addressed to ensure sustainable
development, and will discuss the global energy outlook and assess the
potential of traditional and renewable energy resources in the North.

For further information or to register, please go to:

  1. Workshop Announcement
    SMOSIce User Workshop
    17 February 2012
    Hamburg, Germany

Organizers announce that a SMOSIce User Workshop will be held 17
February 2012 on the KlimaCampus of the University of Hamburg in
Hamburg, Germany.

The workshop will present the new Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity
(SMOS) ice thickness product, as well as the scientific and technical
outcome of the European Space Agency (ESA) SMOSIce study. Potential
participants include modelers, sea ice remote sensing and assimilation
experts, representatives from operational ice services and international
projects (e.g. CliC, CCI), and potential data users. Contributions,
conclusions, and recommendations from the participants will be compiled
in a workshop report.

The technical program will include:

- The SMOS Mission
- SMOS Sea Ice Algorithms
- Validation
- Uncertainties
- Sea Ice Assimilation
- ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI)

For more details and first results, please go to:

  1. Save the Date
    Geomorphology and Quaternary Palaeogeography of Polar Regions
    9-17 September 2012
    St. Petersburg, Russia

Organizers announce that an international conference on Geomorphology
and Quaternary Palaeogeography of Polar Regions will be held in
conjunction with the International Field Workshop of INQUA (the
International Union for Quaternary Research) Peribaltic Working Group.
The conference will be convened in St. Petersburg, Russia from 9-17
September 2012.

Beginning January 2012, further information will be available at:

  1. Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    AS2.3 - Boundary Layers in High Latitudes: Physical and Chemical
    Processes Including Atmosphere-Ice Chemical Interactions
    European Geoscience Union General Assembly
    22-27 April 2012
    Vienna, Austria

Organizers of Session AS2.3, "Boundary Layers in High Latitudes:
Physical and Chemical Processes Including Atmosphere-Ice Chemical
Interactions," announce a call for abstracts. The session will be
convened at the European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly, 22-27
April 2012 in Vienna, Austria.

This session is intended to provide an interdisciplinary forum to bring
together researchers working in the areas of high-latitude tropospheric
meteorology, chemistry, oceanography, and climate with an emphasis on
the role of boundary layer processes that mediate exchanges between the
Earth's surface (snow, ice, ocean, and land) and the atmosphere.
Contributions are invited in the following areas:

- Results from field programs and observatories;
- Insight from laboratory studies;
- Surface processes including snow, ice, ocean, land/atmosphere
chemical exchange;
- The role of boundary layers in polar climate change and
implications of climate change for surface exchange processes,
especially in the context of reduced arctic sea ice;
- Advances in modeling and reanalysis, including model assessment of
boundary layer processes;
- Research that bridges atmospheric chemistry and boundary-layer
meteorology in the polar regions;
- Observation and modeling of surface energy budgets;
- Coastal processes;
- Application/demonstration of new technology; and
- Application to other fields including, for example, astronomical
siting, biogeochemistry etc.

The abstract submission deadline for this and all other sessions is
Tuesday, 17 January 2012 at midnight CET. To submit an abstract, please
log in or create an account at:

For further information, please contact:
William Neff
Email: william.neff [at]