
IASC Working Groups
U.S. Representatives Announced
International Arctic Science Committee

For further information, please go to:

For questions, please contact:
Jackie Grebmeier
Email: jgrebmei [at]

The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) announces the names of
the 10 United States representatives to the IASC working groups, chosen
through the U.S. National Academies review process. The representatives
are as follows:

Atmosphere Working Group
- Dr. James Overland, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory/NOAA
- Dr. John Cassano, University of Colorado at Boulder

Cryosphere Working Group
- Dr. Walter Meier, University of Colorado at Boulder
- Dr. Elizabeth Hunke, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Marine Working Group
- Dr. Rolf Gradinger, University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Dr. Mary-Louise Timmermans, Yale University

Terrestrial Working Group
- Dr. Donald (Skip) Walker, University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Dr. Vanessa Lougheed, University of Texas at El Paso

Social and Human Working Group
- Dr. Peter Schweitzer, University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Dr. Sven D. Haakanson, Alutiiq Museum

Additional information on the IASC working groups (including scientific
foci, international membership, history, activities, publications, and
terms of reference for each group) is available via the IASC Secretariat
website, at:

Further contact information for members is available on the Polar
Research Board website, at:

For questions, please contact:
Jackie Grebmeier
Email: jgrebmei [at]