
Sessions of Interest
IPY 2012 From Knowledge to Action
22-27 April 2012
Montreal, Canada

Abstract submission deadline: Friday, 30 September 2011

For further information, please go to:

The International Polar Year (IPY) 2012 Conference entitled "From
Knowledge to Action" is scheduled for 22-27 April 2012 in Montreal,
Canada. The parallel sessions for the 2012 conference are broken down
into four areas. Session conveners would like to call attention to the
following sessions:

Session Area 1 - Science Highlights

- 1.3.2 Polar marine ecosystems: status and changes
Conveners: Dieter Piepenburg, Punyasloke Bhadury, Rolf Gradinger,
Nathalie Morata, and Jose Xavier
- 1.3.3 Polar microbes, genetics, and molecular biology
Conveners: Carlos Pedros-Alio, Yoo Kyung Lee, and Trista Vick
- 1.5.2 Polar observing systems, including observations from space
Conveners: Marcel Babin and Gijs de Boer

For details on sessions in Area 1, including convener contact
information, please go to:

Session Area 2 - Synthesis and Integration

- 2.1.4 Teleconnections and modes of polar climatic variability
Conveners: Xiao Cunde and James Screen
- 2.1.5 Global impacts of a melting cryosphere, including ice
sheets, sea ice and permafrost
Conveners: Bob Bindschadler and Kirsty Langley
- 2.2.8 Environmental consequences of change
Conveners: Julia Schmale, Heather Mariash, and Jenna Gall
- 2.3.5 Impacts of change and development on biodiversity and polar
ecosystem services
Conveners: Louis Fortier and Jean-Sebastien Moore
- 2.4.4 Communities and change: vulnerability, resilience and
Conveners: Chris Furgal, Henry Huntington, Rebecca Klady, and Elena

For details on sessions in Area 2, including convener contact
information, please go to:

Session Area 3 - From Knowledge to Action

- 3.3.1 Polar knowledge in action: The Arctic
Conveners: Aynslie Ogden, Lars Kullerud, and Erik Warming Andersen
- 3.3.2 Polar knowledge in action: The Antarctic
Conveners: Colin Summerhayes and Natalia Galin

For details on sessions in Area 3, including convener contact
information, please go to:

Session Area 4 - Public Engagement, Education and Outreach

- 4.1.1 Communication polar science
Conveners: Niki Trudeau
- 4.2.1 Teaching polar science: IPY and beyond
Conveners: Sandra Vanhove and Jennifer Provencher

For details on sessions in Area 4, including convener contact
information, please go to:

The abstract submission deadline for all sessions:
Friday, 30 September 2011.