
Martin Jakobsson Awarded IASC Medal 2011
International Arctic Science Committee

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The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) is proud to announce
that the IASC Medal 2011 will be awarded to Professor Martin Jakobsson.

Martin Jakobsson represents a new generation of arctic scientists for
whom multinational and cross-disciplinary science comes naturally. His
view that data should be open and accessible for all research is part of
his success, as illustrated by the wide use of the International
Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO). This beautiful map, which
is fundamental to our understanding of the Arctic, has been cited in
several thousand publications in areas such as oceanography, tectonics,
and palaeo-climate.

The medal will be presented by the IASC President, David Hik, on 29
March 2011 at the Arctic Science Summit Week 2011 in Seoul, Korea. The
award ceremony will be followed by a 30-minute lecture by Jakobsson.

For further information on IASC, please go to: