
New Book Available
"Arctic Animals - and their Adaptations to Life on the Edge"
By: Arnoldus Schytte Blix
Tapir Academic Press
Price: 52 Euros
ISBN: 8251920507

For further information and to order the book, please click below:

About the Book
Where and what is the Arctic? What animals live there, and how are they
distributed? How do they cope with cold in their austere environment,
and how can arctic mammals survive birth when it is 40 degrees below
freezing? How can seals dive to a depth of 1000 metres and stay
submerged for more than an hour, and how does complete darkness in
winter affect the inhabitants of the high Arctic? This book answers
these questions and also gives an introduction to the Arctic based on
the author's 40 years of experience in this region. It contains almost
200 illustrations and deals with the entire Arctic animal kingdom. It
would be suitable as a textbook for courses in arctic biology or for
specialists in the field. It is a reference book and a source of
information about published original literature.

About the Author
Arnoldus Schytte Blix worked at the Institute of Arctic Biology in
Fairbanks, Alaska from 1976 to 1979 before becoming director of the
Department of Arctic Biology at the University of Tromso in Norway. He
has participated in more than 30 expeditions to various parts of the
Arctic and four expeditions to the Antarctic. He is currently the
chairman of the Nansen Foundation of Norway and has served as chairman
of the Norwegian National Committee on Polar Research. Professor Blix
has been a member of two Norwegian Royal Commissions related to polar
problems and has represented Norway on the Scientific Committee for
Antarctic Research (SCAR), the International Whaling Commission,
European Polar Board, the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC),
and numerous other bodies. He has contributed more than 150 articles to
international learned journals, mainly on physiological adaptations in
arctic mammals and birds. He is an elected member of both the Norwegian
Academy of Science and Letters and of Academia Europaea and has received
the Nansen Award of Norway.