
Research Fellowship Available From The Oil Spill Recovery Institute

For more information please refer to:

Or contact:
Dr. Carl Schoch
Phone: 907-424-5800 x 234,
Email: cschoch [at]

Application Deadline:
Thursday, 31 March 2005

The Oil Spill Recovery Institute (OSRI) was established by Congress in
response to the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill. The Congressional mandate
given OSRI is:
1. To identify and develop the best available
techniques, equipment and materials for dealing with oil spills in the
Arctic and sub-Arctic marine environment
2. To complement federal and state damage assessment efforts and
determine, document, assess and understand the long-range effects of
Arctic and sub-Arctic oil spills on the natural resources of Prince
William Sound, and the environment, the economy and the lifestyle and
well-being of the people who are dependent on those resources.

The OSRI Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) Program offers qualified
master's and doctoral students the opportunity to address scientific and
socioeconomic issues of significance to arctic and sub-arctic (high
latitude cold climate) regions. Three graduate research fellowships are
available for 2005. Fellowships may be funded for up to two years for
masters or three years for doctoral level research. The award amount for
2005 is $25,000 per year that may be used for tuition and research
related expenses.

The OSRI funds projects that will:
1. enhance scientific understanding of
the marine ecosystem,
2. provide information needed by managers and decision-makers for oil
spill response and recovery, and
3. promote socioeconomic awareness and understanding of marine and
estuarine ecosystems.

Application Deadline:
Thursday, 31 March 2005

For more information please refer to:

Or contact:
Dr. Carl Schoch
Science Director
Oil Spill Recovery Institute
P.O. Box 705
300 Breakwater Avenue
Cordova, AK 99574
Phone: 907-424-5800 x 234,
Email: cschoch [at]

Applicants are encouraged to review the OSRI Science Plan at:

OSRI is administered through and housed at the Prince William Sound
Science Center, a non-profit research and education organization located
in Cordova. The PWS Science Center facilitates and encourages ecosystem
studies in the Greater Prince William Sound region.