
New Website Available
Near-Realtime Arctic Change Indicator
NOAA Arctic Research Office

To view the website, please go to:

The Arctic Change Indicator website, which provides information on the
present state of the Arctic ecosystem and climate in a historical
context, is available at:

Carefully selected, this high quality indicator data from reputable
scientific sources is presented using a narrative style to highlight
land and marine ecosystems, the cryosphere, and Arctic and sub-Arctic human
impacts. Background information is available to the reader/user, and a
summary "Table of Indicators" provides an overview of the status of the
Arctic from 1970 to the present. Changes in the last decade are major,
unprecedented, and continuing.

The objective of the website is to raise issue awareness, inform dialog,
and support decision making. It is tailored towards ready understanding
of the rate and extent of changes in the Arctic, to facilitate informed
decisions concerning impacts and adaptation to change. It provides
non-Arctic climate scientists with a quick and definitive update on the
status of the Arctic climate.
The Arctic Change Indicators website follows after the ten key findings
of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) project, which was a
multi-year, multi-government effort by hundreds of scientists. The
website was released during the ACIA Symposium on 9 November 2004. This
project was sponsored by NOAA's Arctic Research Office.

For further information or to submit your comments and suggestions,
please contact:
arctic.webmaster [at]