
Full Teacher and Researcher Applications Now Available for the 2005
Arctic Field Season!

Applications must be received by Friday, December 31, 2004

Applications and additional TREC information is available at: and in the links within.

For further information, please contact:
Helen Wiggins at
Phone: 907-474-1600
helen [at]

Teachers and Researchers Exploring and Collaborating (TREC) is a program
in which K-12 teachers participate in arctic research, working closely
with scientists as a pathway to improving science education through
teachers' experiences in scientific inquiry. The main components of TREC

  1. Arctic Field Research Experience
    The core of the TREC program is the field research experience, whereby
    TREC teachers participate in arctic field research for two or more weeks
    during spring/summer. Selected research projects represent the leading
    edge of scientific inquiry and include the K-12 teacher as an integral
    part of the science team.

  2. Classrooms and Public Connections
    Teachers and researchers connect with classrooms and the broader public
    through use of Internet tools such as online teacher and researcher
    journals, message boards, photo albums, real-time presentations and
    calls from the field, and online learning resources.

  3. Professional Development
    TREC provides professional development opportunities for teachers who
    participate in field research projects as well as educators who connect
    through the Internet. TREC provides a variety of content, tools, and
    seminars geared towards subject matter learning, teaching practices, and
    alignment of TREC experiences with current professional and teaching

  4. Sustained Community and Support
    The TREC program is designed to extend the experience beyond field
    research to support a sustained community of teachers, scientists, and
    the public through traditional workshops, Internet seminars, an e-mail
    listserve, and teacher-to-teacher peer groups.

Join the TREC! Check out the TREC web site for more information about
TREC program - including the expectations for participating team members
and information for collaborating and connecting online. You do not have
to go to the field to participate in and benefit from the TREC
experience. Find out about the many other ways you can contribute to and
benefit from the TREC program.

Teacher and researcher applications to participate in a 2005 TREC field
research experience are due December 31, 2004. Teachers, researchers,
and research projects for the 2005 research season will be selected to
fill openings available.

We expect that applicants will be notified of selection decisions before
January 31, 2005.

For further information, please contact:
Helen Wiggins at
Phone: 907-474-1600
helen [at]

or go to:

Funding for TREC is provided by the National Science Foundation Office
of Polar Programs Arctic Sciences Section.