
Abstract/Registration Deadlines
Cryosphere, the "Frozen" Frontier of Climate Science: Theory,
Observations, and Practical Applications
CliC 2005 - First International Science Conference
11-15 April 2005
Beijing, China

For further information, please go to:

The first CliC Science conference will be held in Beijing, China from
11-15 April 2005. The abstract submission deadline is Tuesday, 30
November 2004. Abstracts must be 300 words or less. The registration
deadline is Monday, 31 January 2005.

To submit an abstract or for further information, please go to:

The conference will highlight the role played by the cryosphere in the
global climate system. A major aim is to examine and develop ideas for
future collaborative studies in cryospheric and climate research. The
conference will emphasize the role of the cryosphere for the future of
the global environment, and identify gaps in research and understanding
that must be addressed to improve projections of future climate for the
benefit of society. It will establish links between cryospheric research
groups and institutions, and generate plans for new cryosphere/climate
research. CliC activities during the International Polar Year are also

The conference is sponsored by the World Climate Research Programme
(WCRP) and the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) in
association with:
China Meteorological Administration
Ministry of Science and Technology of China
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Chinese Arctic and Antarctic Administration
CliC International Project Office
Environment Canada
Natural Science Foundation of China
Norwegian Polar Institute

Other sponsors are actively sought. Please contact the CliC
International Project Office (clic [at] if your institute or
organization is interested in providing direct financial aid or giving
travel support to students and young scientists.

For more information about CliC and its origin, to read the Science
Plan, or to peruse DISC (Data and Information Service for CliC), go to: