
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Call for Early Registration
    Arctic Science Summit Week and
    Arctic Observing Summit 2014
    5-8 April and 9-11 April 2014
    Helsinki, Finland

  2. Call for Abstracts, Early Registration, and
    Submissions for an Antarctic Science Communication Award
    2014 SCAR Open Science Conference
    25-28 August 2014
    Auckland, New Zealand

  1. Call for Early Registration
    Arctic Science Summit Week and
    Arctic Observing Summit 2014
    5-8 April and 9-11 April 2014
    Helsinki, Finland

Organizers of the Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) and the Arctic
Observing Summit (AOS) 2014 announce availability of the ASSW third
circular, the AOS preliminary program, and calls for early registration.
ASSW will convene 5-8 April 2014 and AOS will convene 9-11 April 2014.
Both meetings will be held in Helsinki, Finland.

ASSW is an annual gathering of international organizations engaged in
supporting and facilitating Arctic research. Its purpose is to provide
opportunities for international coordination, collaboration, and
cooperation in Arctic sciences. The 2014 program will include business
meetings and the opening of the 3rd International Conference on Arctic
Research Planning.

AOS 2014 will address concerns about the Arctic environment under the
pressure of climate change and global demands for natural resources. The
meetings will seek to identify feasible strategies for advanced Arctic
observing systems to conduct systematic, reliable, and cost-effective
monitoring of long-term trends and rapid changes.

Deadline for early registration: 15 February 2014.

For further information about registration fees and to register, please

For further information about the meeting programs and to download the
ASSW third circular, please see:

  1. Call for Abstracts, Early Registration, and
    Submissions for an Antarctic Science Communication Award
    2014 SCAR Open Science Conference
    25-28 August 2014
    Auckland, New Zealand

Organizers of the 2014 Scientific Committee of Antarctic Research (SCAR)
Open Science Conference (OSC) announce a call for abstracts, early
registration, and submissions for an Antarctic science communication
award. The conference will convene 25-28 August 2014 in Auckland, New

SCAR, an inter-disciplinary committee of the International Council for
Science, is charged with initiating, developing, and coordinating
international scientific research in the Antarctic region. SCAR also
provides independent scientific advice to the Antarctic Treaty
Consultative Meetings and other organizations on issues of science and
conservation affecting management of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean.
SCAR meets every two years to conduct business and holds the OSC to
draw attention to Antarctic issues.

The 2014 SCAR OSC will focus on how changes currently seen in
Antarctica will affect the rest of the world. In addition to regular oral
and poster sessions, morning plenary sessions will address the
themes of Antarctic conservation, innovation in Antarctic science,
and connections between the southern continents.

SCAR is seeking new ways to communicate Antarctic science with greater
impact to scientists, managers, and the public. A new award will be
implemented during the 2014 SCAR OSC for the most innovative
communication of Antarctic science. Only abstracts submitted in session
48 will be considered for the competition.

Abstract submission deadline: Friday, 14 February 2014.

For further information about abstract submissions and the award
competition, please see:

For further information about the conference sessions and registration,
please see:

Or, contact organizers at: scar2014 [at]

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