Title: Minutes of the Arctic Sea Ice Prediction Stakeholders Workshop, for EU-PolarNet deliverable
Title: Engaging Users of Sea Ice Forecasts to Improve the Next Generation of Products and Services. Polar Prediction Matters Website, April 2018.
Author: Lawrence Hislop, Climate and Cryosphere Project (CliC)
Title: The Sea Ice Information Services in the World (WMO-No.574)
Title: European Space Agency Sea Ice Climate Change Initiative: Phase 2, D1.1 User Requirement Document (URD)
Title: Polar Prediction Matters (PPM) Website. An online forum "to foster the dialogue between those that research, develop, and provide polar environmental forecasts and those that use (or could use) polar environmental forecasts to guide socio-economic decisions." A contribution to the Year of Polar Prediction.
Title: First SEARCH Knowledge Exchange Workshop on the Impacts of Arctic Sea-Ice Loss. Workshop Report, February 2017.
Title: Summary of findings: Surveys made on user needs for sea ice observations and forecasts. Presentation for Polar Prediction Program Meeting, April 2016.
Presenter: Winfried Hoke, Polar Prediction Project
Title: Observations to support industry needs for sea ice information and predictions. Statement for the 3rd Arctic Observing Summit. 2016.
Author(s): Adrienne Tivy (Canadian Ice Service) and Chris Petrich (Norut Narvik)
Title: SIPN Webinar: Industry Needs for Seasonal and Sub-seasonal Sea Ice Information and Predictions. August 2015
Presenters:: Hajo Eicken, Adrienne Tivy
Archive available at: https://www.arcus.org/sipn/meetings/webinars
Title: Will Arctic sea ice thickness initialization improve seasonal forecast skill?
Author(s): J. J. Day, E. Hawkins, and S. Tietsche
To download this paper, go to: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2014GL061694/full
Title: Improving Predictions of Arctic Sea Ice Extent, Eos, June 2015.
Author(s): Julienne Stroeve, Ed Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, Virginie Guemas, Stephen Howell, François Massonnet, and Steffen Tietsche
Title: Prediction Arctic Weather and Climate and Related Impacts
Findings from the NOAA Science Challenge Workshop 13-15 May 2014
NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
To download this report, go to: http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/events/2014/arctic-predictions-science/pdf…
Title: Exploring Stakeholder Needs for Coastal Research in a Rapidly Changing Arctic. Online summary.
Team Members: Mo Correll, Philip Martin, Flora Rexford
Title: Summary report, results from informal sea ice user survey, August 2013
Author(s): Climate and Cryosphere; Donald Perovich and Jenny BaesemanDownload Summary Report (PDF - 84 KB)
Title: Summary poster, results from informal sea ice user survey, August 2013
Author(s): Climate and Cryosphere; Donald Perovich and Jenny BaesemanDownload Summary Poster (PDF - 139 KB)
Title: Sea Ice User Information Survey – Results. August 2013
Author(s): Alaska Ocean Observing System (AOOS), Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (ACCAP), and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
To download report, go to: http://www.aoos.org/workshops-and-reports and click on "Summer 2013 Sea Ice Product Survey"
Title: Norwegian Sea-Ice Networking Workshop Report. February 2013. Climate and Cryosphere (CliC).
Report author: Jennifer King
Title: Arctic sea ice needs better forecasts. Nature Comment. Volume 497, 23 May 2013
Author(s): Hajo Eicken
Title: Observational needs for sea ice models: Short note. January 2012. Summary of discussions of CLiC Arctic Sea Ice Working Group meeting, November 2011.
Author(s): F. Massonnet, A. Jahn
Title: On the observational needs for climate models in polar regions. July 2012
Author(s): J. Kay, G. de Boer, E. Hunke
Title: Sea Ice Climate Change Initiative: Phase 1. User Requirement Document (URD). June 2012
Source: European Space Agency
Title: Seasonal-to-Decadal Predictions of Arctic Sea Ice: Challenges and Strategies. 2012
Author(s): National Academies; Richter-Menge, Walsh, and Brigham
Title: Connecting scientific observations to stakeholder needs in sea ice social–environmental systems: the institutional geography of northern Alaska. Polar Geography, Vol. 36, Iss 1-2, 2013.
Author(s): Amy Lauren Lovecraft, Chanda Meek & Hajo Eicken
Title: Observational needs for sea ice models. November 2011
Author(s): Francois Massonnet and Alexandra Jahn
Title: NOAA Sea Ice Forecasting ‐ Workshop Summary. September 2011
Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Title: Results of Sea Ice Outlook User Survey. 2011
Source: Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS)/Sea Ice Outlook project
Title: Upper ocean as a regulator of atmospheric and oceanic heat transports to the sea ice in the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean – White Paper
Author(s): Igor Polyakov et al.
Download White Paper (PDF - 6 MB)
Title: Sea-Ice System Services: A Framework to Help Identify and Meet Information Needs Relevant for Arctic Observing Networks. Arctic, Vol. 62, No. 2 (June 2009).
Author(s): Hajo Eicken, Amy Lauren Lovecraft, Matthew Druckenmiller
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Title: Upper ocean as a regulator of atmospheric and oceanic heat transports to the sea ice in the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean – White Paper
Author(s): Igor Polyakov et al.