
Slidecast Available
Bringing Science to School

For further information, please contact:
Marti Canipe
Email: mcanipe [at]

As more and more attention is being focused on K-12 science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education, there is a desire to
connect the research community with the K-12 education community.
President Obama recently announced his Educate to Innovate program,
which features National Lab Day as one of its initiatives. National Lab
Day seeks to connect classrooms with STEM professionals.

Not all researchers feel comfortable visiting K-12 classrooms. It can be
daunting to figure out what level to teach and what content is relevant,
not to mention how to keep a room of 10 year olds in order. Even
researchers who have been to classrooms could benefit from a few basic
tips. This presentation will provide a guide to bringing research into a
K-12 classroom. Hear from an experienced educator who is currently
serving as an Einstein Fellow at the National Science Foundation.

The slidecast, with audio, is available at:

For further information, please contact:
Marti Canipe
Email: mcanipe [at]