Arctic Indigenous Scholars Bring Perspectives on Resource Management and Community Wellness to Washington, DC - Interviews with the Scholars
Arctic Indigenous Scholars Craig Chythlook and Taniesha Moses traveled to Washington, DC from March 4-8, 2024 to engage with decision-makers and policy-makers. This Witness Community Highlights piece showcases video interviews with the Scholars, offering insights into their experiences and discussions during the visit.
Sea Ice for Walrus Outlook Partners Gather in Nome
The Sea Ice for Walrus Outlook (SIWO) is a resource for Alaska Native subsistence hunters, coastal communities, and others interested in sea ice and walruses. The Outlooks are produced with information on weather and sea-ice conditions provided by Alaska Native sea-ice experts, NOAA’s National Weather Service-Alaska Region (NWS), and the Alaska Ocean Observing System (AOOS).
SIWO Partners met in Nome, Alaska for a two-day workshop in July 2024. The goals of the meeting were to: (1) Create an opportunity for SIWO partners to meet in person, strengthen relationships, and create a shared vision for SIWO; and (2) Outline a SIWO synthesis paper & a community outreach product to share lessons from 15 years of SIWO.
Witness Community Highlights is an online publication launched in May 2017 to complement the regular publications of Witness the Arctic. It was developed in response to community feedback identifying the need for a monthly publication to highlight 1–2 Arctic research efforts and other timely items of interest to our readers. Community Highlights is distributed at the beginning of the month via our Witness the Arctic mailing list of over 8,700 subscribers.
Witness the Arctic
Witness the Arctic provides information on current Arctic research efforts and findings, significant research initiatives, national policy affecting Arctic research, international activities, and profiles of institutions with major Arctic research efforts.
Witness the Arctic
Editors of Witness Community Highlights welcome ideas for future articles. If you have an idea or a question about this publication, please contact Betsy Turner-Bogren at