
Call for Applications
International Master's Degree Programme
Health and Wellbeing in the Circumpolar Area

Application Deadline: Wednesday, 31 March 2010

For further information, please visit the MCH website:, and the University of Oulu Master's
Degrees website:

The Master's Degree Programme in Health and Wellbeing in the Circumpolar
Area (MCH) is an international two-year Master's Degree program of 120
ECTS (60 North American credit hours) concentrating on the special
features, questions, and challenges related to health and wellbeing in
the circumpolar area. MCH graduates will be awarded a Master of Health
Sciences from the University of Oulu, Finland. The MCH graduates can
work in administrative and managerial positions within health care
services and in health promotion, education, development, planning, and

The call for new students is open until Wednesday, 31 March 2010.

The program is open for students holding a Bachelor's degree in the
field of health sciences, social sciences, or related field of science.
In addition, the applicants must have sufficient English language
proficiency, proved by a standardized English language test (TOEFL,
IELTS etc.). The MCH program consists of a compulsory on-line course
package, elective on-line and on-site studies, an exchange period, and a
Master's thesis. The unique curriculum outline enables MCH students to
complete a substantial amount of their studies by distance learning.

MCH is established and managed in collaboration by the University of
Oulu (Finland), University of Southern Denmark (Denmark), Lulea
University of Technology (Sweden), Northern State Medical University
(Russia), Pomor State University (Russia), University of Lapland
(Finland), and University of Manitoba (Canada). The program is
coordinated by the Centre for Arctic Medicine at Thule Institute,
University of Oulu.

Application Deadline: Wednesday, 31 March 2010.

For further information, please visit the MCH website:, and the University of Oulu Master's
Degrees website: