
Presentations Now Available Online
A Celebration of International Polar Year 2007-2008
National Academy of Sciences and
The National Science Foundation

To download the presentations, and for further information, please go to:

The National Academy of Sciences together with the National Science
Foundation held a celebration on 6 April 2009 to recognize the
achievements of the International Polar Year 2007-2008 (IPY). The
meeting included highlights of IPY projects, including such topics as
climate change, sea ice stability, Antarctic ecosystems, and people in
the Arctic. Presentation videos detailing various aspects of IPY
research are available at:

Posted presentations include:

  • "Welcoming and Opening Remarks," by James White, Ralph J. Cicerone,
    and Arden L. Bement, Jr.;
  • "How the Past Informs the Future," by Richard Alley,
    Pennsylvania State University;
  • "Responses to Sea Ice in Transition," by Hajo Eicken,
    University of Alaska Fairbanks;
  • "Ice Sheet Stability and Global Sea Level," by David Holland,
    New York University;
  • "A Systems View of Climate Change in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres,"
    by Timothy Killeen, Geosciences Directorate, National Science Foundation;
  • "The Arctic: IPY 1882 to IPY 2050," by Stephanie Pfirman, Barnard College;
  • "Antarctic Ecosystems and Climate Change," by Diana Wall, Colorado
    State University; and
  • "Audience Questions and Answers."

IPY fieldwork, a two-year deployment of scientists from more than 60
nations into the polar regions, officially concluded on 1 March 2009.
Science results from IPY-funded research can be expected to be published
for some time to come. For more information about the IPY, please go to:

To view the presentations and learn more about this celebration, please go to: