
Deadline Reminder
High Mountain Glaciers and Challenges Caused by Climate Change
The Polar Environmental Centre
Tromso, Norway
8-10 June 2009

Travel grant submission deadline: Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Registration deadline: Friday, 15 May 2009

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Anne Marit Aspenes
Email: aspenes [at]

The Norwegian Polar Institute reminds the science community of the
upcoming deadlines for the High Mountain Glaciers and Challenges Caused
by Climate Change conference. The conference, jointly initiated by the
Norwegian Ministry of the Environment and the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP), will be held 8-10 June 2009 at the Polar Environmental
Centre in Tromso, Norway. The deadline to submit travel grant
applications is Wednesday, 13 May 2009; the deadline for registration is
Friday, 15 May 2009.

The conference aim is to bring together scientists studying the
cryosphere in the Himalayas and Andes regions with scientists working on
the downstream effects of glacier melt, as well as with researchers with
expertise from other regions. The conference offers the participants the
opportunity to discuss their latest research on high-mountain glacier
melts and the consequent effects on downstream areas. It also provides
the opportunity to give recommendations to policy makers.

Conference output: A summary of the state of knowledge, research- and
policy-recommendations will be made available as a UNEP publication in
time for the December COP15 in Copenhagen.

Special Travel Grants:
Participants from developing countries included in the DAC List of ODA
Recipients may apply for full or partial travel grants. The application
deadline for travel grants is Wednesday, 13 May 2009. For further
information, please go to:

The conference registration deadline is Friday, 15 May 2009. For further
information, please visit the conference website at: Or contact Anne Marit Aspenes (aspenes [at]