
Second Announcement and Call for Abstracts
NCP / AMAP Symposium on Human Health and Arctic Environmental Contaminants
Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada
10-12 June 2009

Poster abstract submission deadline: Friday, 22 May 2009

For further information, including information on the agenda, flight
group rate, venue and accommodations, please go to:

For further information about registration and abstract submission,
please contact:
Tara Leech
Email: tara_leech [at]
Phone: 613-960-1789

The Northern Contaminants Program (NCP) and Arctic Monitoring Assessment
Program (AMAP) are hosting a joint symposium in Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada
from 10-12 June 2009. The results of two assessments on human health
effects of environmental contaminants in the Arctic over the past six
(6) years will be released at this meeting. This symposium will provide
a forum for health professionals, indigenous and local people, senior
scientists, policy-makers, and young scientists to contribute to the
future directions of the NCP and AMAP.

Topics being addressed at the symposium include:
- local indigenous perspectives on arctic contaminants and health;
- diet and human exposure to environmental contaminants;
- arctic health and effects of contaminants (e.g., epidemiological,
toxicological, etc.); and
- risk-benefit assessment and communication.

There will also be a poster session and the opportunity for participants
to give short, oral, plenary presentations (5 minutes) within the
symposium. Please note that there will be (limited) travel support for
young scientists to attend this meeting. Those needing travel support
are requested to indicate their need in their cover email.

Proposals for poster sessions should be submitted in the form of an
abstract (300 word maximum) by the deadline of Friday, 22 May 2009.

There is no registration fee for the symposium. To submit an abstract,
register your interest in attending the symposium, or for further
information, please contact:
Tara Leech - Health Canada
Email: tara_leech [at]
Phone: 613-960-1789
Fax: 1-613-948-8485

For further information about the conference, including information on
the agenda, flight group rate, venue and accommodations, please go to: