
Peary Centennial Celebrations
Film Festival and Symposium
The Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum and Arctic Studies
Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine USA
3-4 April 2009

For additional information please go to

Arctic Exploration in Motion: A Festival of Rare Film Footage
Friday, April 3, 2009, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Kresge Auditorium, Visual Arts Center, Bowdoin College
Free, but tickets are required. Advance tickets are available at the
David Saul Smith Union Information Desk. Out of state attendees can call
207-725-3062 to reserve tickets. A reception (Time to Eat the Dogs!)
will follow at The Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum.

This program presents rare, historic, motion picture film footage drawn
from a number of film archives. The footage features over a dozen Arctic
explorers in action, Inuit working with Western explorers and involved
in various pursuits, Western and Inuit technologies employed by
explorers, Arctic landscapes and wildlife, pioneering scientific work,
and explorers being welcomed home. The organizers will offer brief
commentaries, providing background information and context for watching
the silent films and film clips.

Films presented by Susan A. Kaplan and Genevieve LeMoine (Arctic
Museum), and Audrey Amidon (National Archives and Records

Peary's Quest for the Pole: A Symposium in Celebration of Peary's
1908-09 North Pole Expedition
Saturday, April 4, 2009, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Smith Auditorium, Sills Hall, Bowdoin College
Free and open to the public.

The papers will put Peary and his historic expedition in context. Papers
will examine:
- technological innovations developed by Peary to further his
exploration endeavors;
- discuss Peary's debt to the Inughuit and his expeditions' impact
on Inughuit culture;
- review Josephine Peary's Arctic career;
- examine the motivations of influential backers who elevated Peary
to hero status;
- consider the international ramifications of Peary's Arctic
- look at the history of the Peary-Cook controversy;
- discuss Matthew Henson's reception once the expedition
returned home; and
- review contributions of Robert Bartlett, George Wardwell, and
Donald MacMillan.

For additional information, please go to: