
PhD Scholarships Available
International Research School for Maritime Affairs
University of Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany

Application Deadline: Thursday, 31 July 2008

For further information, please go to:

The International Max Planck Research School for Maritime Affairs at the
University of Hamburg announces the availability of six (6) PhD
scholarships. The school studies the legal, economic, and geophysical
aspects of the use, protection, and organization of the oceans. Its
research clusters are Management of the Coastal Zone, Maritime Trade and
Transport, Management of the Marine Environment, Ocean and Climate as
well as the Management of the Deep Seabed.

For the period commencing 1 October 2008, the school will award six (6)
PhD grants for a term of two years (with a possible one-year extension).
The scholarship amounts to 1195 Euros per month. The doctoral thesis may
be written in German or English.

A significantly above-average graduate degree in law, economics, or a
scientific discipline related to maritime aspects, such as biology or
geophysics is required. In addition, applicants should be open to
interdisciplinary work.

Applicants with significant physical disabilities are expressly
encouraged to apply and will be given preference over others being
equally qualified. Both the Max Planck Society and the University of
Hamburg wish to enhance the proportion of women in those areas where
they are underrepresented. Women are therefore expressly encouraged to

Applicants must use the designated application form. Incomplete
applications will not be accepted. Applications must include:
-Completed application form;
-CV with recent photograph;
-Copy of certificate / Master's diploma;
-Copy of transcripts;
-Thesis title page, abstract, and table of contents;
-Personal statement detailing your motivation and research interest;
-Two letters of reference; and
-Proof of English skills (e.g., TOEFL results).
The application form and the list of necessary supporting materials is
available at:

Applications must be sent, no later than Thursday, 31 July 2008, to:
martime-affairs [at]