
Graduate Student Opportunities
Polar Meteorology and Climatology
Polar Meteorology Group, Byrd Polar Research Center
The Ohio State University

For further information, please go to:

The Polar Meteorology Group at the Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio
State University, is looking for MS or PhD students starting Autumn 2008
to study polar meteorology and climatology. A BS and/or MS degree in
meteorology or atmospheric science and interest in polar meteorology are
required. Students must be highly motivated and of good academic
standing. Students will be enrolled for an MS or PhD with the Atmospheric
Sciences Program of the Department of Geography at Ohio State, funded
through Graduate Research Associate (GRA) positions, which include
competitive stipend, benefits, and tuition waiver.

Potential research topics include:
- Work with the Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS), a
real-time weather forecasting system for Antarctica based on the Polar
WRF mesoscale model that was developed by the Polar Meteorology Group.
Fieldwork in Antarctica, through direct collaboration with weather
forecasters at McMurdo, is likely. This position could be for an MS or
PhD student.
- Study of cyclone activity over West Antarctica using radio occultation
soundings from the recently launched COSMIC constellation of
microsatellites using Polar WRF. This position is for a PhD student.
- Modeling and observational analysis of the impact of the El
Nino-Southern Oscillation on the climate of Antarctica. This position
could be for an MS or PhD student.
- Modeling and observational analysis of the surface mass balance of the
Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets using Polar WRF. This position could
be for an MS or PhD student.

Domestic and international students are encouraged to apply. Applicants
should send a CV to:
David H. Bromwich
Polar Meteorology Group
Byrd Polar Research Center
The Ohio State University
108 Scott Hall
1090 Carmack Road
Columbus, OH 43210, USA
E-mail: bromwich.1 [at]