
PhD and Postdoctoral Fellowships Available
Mohn-Sverdrup Center for Global Ocean Studies and Operational Oceanography
Bergen, Norway

Application Deadline: Saturday, 15 December 2007

For further information, please go to:

The Mohn-Sverdrup Center for Global Ocean Studies and Operational
Oceanography seeks one postdoctoral and one doctoral fellow for the
project "Forecasting Non-linear systems with the Ensemble Kalman Filter
(EnKF) and related methods." In addition, a postdoctoral position is
open at the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration
(NHH) under the same project. Position descriptions are below. Female
applicants are encouraged to apply and will be given priority for equal
level of qualifications.

1) Postdoctoral Fellowship:
The Mohn-Sverdrup Center seeks one postdoctoral fellow for non-Gaussian
assimilation methods for a coupled physical-ecosystem model of the North
Atlantic. The successful candidate will evaluate non-Gaussian variants
of the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) in a HYCOM model of the North
Atlantic coupled with a biogeochemical model. The project will evaluate
the assimilation of non-Gaussian variables using a general
transformation of the distribution function (Gaussian anamorphosis). The
objective is to develop the ecosystem module of the TOPAZ forecast and
reanalysis system. The two-year position is funded by a grant from the
Research Council of Norway starting in January 2008.

Candidates must hold a PhD in oceanography or data assimilation and have
experience in applied mathematics. Applications should be sent to:
Laurent Bertino
E-mail: laurent.bertino [at]

2) PhD Fellowship:
The Mohn-Sverdrup Center seeks one doctoral fellow for parameter
estimation for assimilation of sea ice drift in the Arctic. The
successful candidate will assimilate sea ice drift products from
satellites into the TOPAZ system to estimate jointly the ice-ocean state
vector and atmospheric parameters (wind stress). The fellow will use a
variant of the Ensemble Kalman Filter. The objective is to improve the
forecast and reanalysis capability of the TOPAZ system in the Arctic.
The three-year PhD position is funded by a grant from the Research
Council of Norway starting in January 2008.

Candidates must hold an MSc in applied mathematics or oceanography.
Applications should be sent to:
Laurent Bertino
E-mail: laurent.bertino [at]

3) Postdoctoral Fellowship:
The Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration seeks a
postdoctoral fellow for the assimilation of fish stock data into a
nonlinear bio-economic model. The successful candidate will use a
non-linear model of economical and biological interactions and
estimations of fish stock from catches, and will evaluate the Ensemble
Kalman Smoother against more general Markov Chain approximation methods
for the estimation of fish stocks. The non-linear model, observations,
and the Monte Carlo methods have been already developed. The objective
is to help evaluating and improving methods for fisheries management and
quota determination. The two-year position is funded by a grant from the
Research Council of Norway starting in January 2008.

Candidates should hold a PhD in applied mathematics/computational
economy. Applications should be sent to:
Leif Sandal
E-mail: Leif.Sandal [at]

For further information about all three positions, please go to: