
Position Announcement
Sea Ice Atmosphere Lagrangian Transport (SALT)
University of Hamburg
Center of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Institute of Oceanography

Application Deadline: Monday, 6 August 2007

For further information, please contact:
Lars Kaleschke
Phone: 040-42838-6518
E-mail: lars.kaleschke [at]

The University of Hamburg is opening a position for a Project Scientist
at the Institute of Oceanography on the project "Sea Ice Atmosphere
Lagrangian Transport (SALT)." The contract is limited to two years with
the possibility of prolongation for a further year, and the position
includes the opportunity for achieving a PhD.

Sea ice is a major source of atmospheric sea salt in Antarctica. This
recent finding triggered a change in paradigm for the paleoclimatic
interpretation of polar ice core records. Moreover, the release of
reactive gas-phase halogens from the salty ice surface and of salt
aerosol is of major importance for the tropospheric chemistry. The main
tasks for the successful candidate will be the analysis of sea ice
parameters from remote sensing data, development of a sea ice aerosol
model, and investigation of the major ions from Neumayer station aerosol
filter data as well as from existing ice core and snow pit records. The
project is embedded in the IPY project "Air Ice Chemical Interactions

Applicants must have a diploma and knowledge in geosciences or related
disciplines, as well as good programming skills. Experience in remote
sensing or inverse modeling would be appreciated.

Disabled persons are given preference over other suitable applicants
with equal ability, qualification, and specialized knowledge. The
University of Hamburg aims to increase the number of women as part of
the scientific staff and therefore encourages qualified women to apply
for this position. Women will be considered with priority among
candidates with equivalent qualifications.

Applications should be submitted by Monday, 6 August 2007 to:
Lars Kaleschke
Universitat Hamburg
Zentrum fur Meeres - und Klimaforschung
Institut fur Meereskunde
Bundesstr. 53, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany

Applicants should not submit original documents as they will not be
returned after the reviewing process is concluded.

For further information, please contact:
Lars Kaleschke
Phone: 040-42838-6518
E-mail: lars.kaleschke [at]