
Conference Announcement
Global Climate Change in the Americas: Synthesis, Integration and
Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI)
4-14 June 2007
La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico

Application Deadline: Tuesday, 15 May 2007

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Steve Hastings
E-mail: shasting [at]

A Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI) on Global Climate
Change in the Americas will take place 4-14 June 2007, at La Paz, Baja
California Sur, Mexico.

The Institute will emphasize the impacts of climate change on natural
and managed ecosystems and society, as well as the associated feedbacks
of management strategies and their consequences in Pan-American
countries. Major themes within global change research include:
- Terrestrial processes and carbon flux in the Americas;
- Climate and climate feedback; and
- Social and political considerations.

Third-year doctoral students or recent postdocs in environmental
science, environmental engineering, and environmental economics/policy
are encouraged to apply. Recent Masters students in government or
business will be considered. All expenses will be covered by a grant
from the National Science Foundation. Participants will be selected from
the United States and other countries in the Americas.

For further information, including application instructions, please go to: