
Conference Announcement
12th Annual Arctic Conference: Archaeology, Anthropology and
Environmental Studies
5-6 November 2004
Smithsonian Institution

For further information, please contact:
Katherine Rusk
E-mail: rusk.katherine [at]
Phone: 202-633-1887

Stephen Loring
E-mail: loring.stephen [at]
Phone: 202-633-1903 (after he returns from fieldwork in Labrador in

The 12th Annual Arctic Conference: Archaeology, Anthropology and
Environmental Studies conference will be held on 5-6 November at the
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. (and Suitland MD).

The Arctic Conference is an annual gathering of scholars and students
sharing a common interest in the history of human experience in the
arctic and subarctic. Founded by archaeologists and revolving around
issues of human prehistory, this conference commonly also draws scholars
working in the related dimensions of anthropology and Quaternary
science. The purpose of the meeting is to share research and experiences
and to network with colleagues in a smaller and more intimate venue than
the typical larger meeting format.

In welcoming the Arctic Conference to Washington the Arctic Studies
Center will be hosting tours of the Smithsonian's research and
collections storage facilities and inviting students and colleagues to
take the opportunity to explore collections-based research at the
Smithsonian. As with previous Arctic Conferences, papers describing the
previous summer's fieldwork are encouraged as are papers from non
anthropological disciplines (geomorphology, climatology, biology, to
name a few) that address archaeological issues/projects. The conference
is an informal affair, with emphasis placed on sharing newly gleaned
information and getting to know one another's projects in some detail.

In hosting the conference-workshop we invite participants to consider
collections based research initiatives that might benefit from access to
Smithsonian collections. In addition to the archaeology and ethnology
collections housed at the Museum Support Center (MSC) are large
mammalian osteology collections that could be used for comparative
analysis as has been suggested by some colleagues. The ASC encourages
the arctic archaeology community to think creatively about using the
Smithsonian resources during the conference and we look forward to
helping to facilitate an exciting and dynamic visit to Washington.

It would be helpful to the organizers if they knew you were coming by
Friday, 1 October 2004, but no one will be turned away if they fail to
make that deadline. In order to print out a program, we do, however,
need titles for papers, presentations, and/or posters no later than
Monday, 25 October. Please let us know if you are part of a group or
wish to have your paper grouped with others. We only require a title
from participants (no abstracts), and an indication of a/v equipment
required (slide projector, overhead projector, Internet connection,
PowerPoint projector, etc.). A $20 registration/refreshment fee is
payable in advance or at the door.

We encourage you to attend this year's conference and to share your work
with other northern archaeologists. Send paper titles and inquires to:
12th Arctic Conference
Arctic Studies Center
Smithsonian Institution
PO Box 37012
Washington, DC 20013-7012

The Conference is being organized by the Arctic Studies Center.
Inquiries and questions can be directed to:
Katherine Rusk
E-mail: rusk.katherine [at]
Phone: 202-633-1887

Stephen Loring
E-mail: loring.stephen [at]
Phone: 202-633-1903 (after he returns from fieldwork in Labrador in