
European Space Agency (ESA) Summer School
Earth System Monitoring & Modelling
16-26 August 2004
Frascati, Italy

Application Deadline: Monday, 10 May 2004

For further information and registration, please go to:

The European Space Agency (ESA) invites young researchers to join
leading experts in Earth Observation, Modelling, and Data Assimilation
at ESA's European Space Research Institute (ESRIN) for lectures,
hands-on computing practicals, and poster sessions at the 2nd ENVISAT
summer school on "Earth System Monitoring & Modelling."

ESA's long-term summer school training program promotes the exploitation
of Earth Observation (EO) data across disciplines, with particular focus
on the use of numerical models and Data Assimilation techniques to
maximize the scientific and economic benefits of satellite data. The 1st
ENVISAT summer school focusing on the "Atmosphere" was held last year at
ESRIN (Frascati, Italy). Young scientists from 17 countries participated
in the program which included keynote lectures, computing exercises,
workshops, and social/sport activities.

The 2nd ENVISAT summer school will focus on the Earth System paradigm
and target multi-disciplinary topics and end-to-end applications. The
2004 school will train young scientists in taking an integrated
end-to-end perspective from measurement techniques to end-user
applications and thereby help them appreciate how their specialized
field fits into a broader context.

The school is open to young researchers (PhD, young post-doc) working in
a variety of earth science disciplines (e.g. meteorology, oceanography,
biology, remote sensing, modelling). Admission is highly competitive and
is limited to a maximum of 65 persons.

Application Deadline: Monday, 10 May 2004

For further information and registration, please go to: