
Call For Abstracts for Session:
"Control of basal processes on motion and mass
balance in glaciers and ice sheets"
European Geosciences Union General Assembly
Nice, France
25-30 April 2004

Abstract Deadline: 11 January 2004

For further information, please go to:

Papers are currently being solicited for the following session at the
European Geosciences Union General Assembly:
"Control of basal processes on motion and mass balance in glaciers and
ice sheets"

Subglacial environments are characterized by complex interactions
between hydrological, mechanical, and thermodynamic processes. Coupling
of these processes determines the magnitude of basal resistance to ice
motion, thereby influencing the velocity and mass balance of an ice

Quantifying the contribution of each of these processes to the character
of the subglacial environment, however, remains an outstanding
glaciological problem. It is particularly challenging to integrate
existing observations and theory describing basal processes on
relatively short spatial scales into quantitative models of ice flow
that are concerned with much longer spatial scales. EGU solicits
scientific contributions that relate to this complex relationship
between basal processes and ice motion/mass balance.

Suitable areas of research include but are not limited to:
(1) field-based observations of basal processes in different
glaciodynamic environments

(2) work on parameterization of basal processes in numerical
ice-flow models

(3) laboratory simulations of basal processes.

We also welcome papers on Supra-glacial, en-glacial and sub-glacial
hydrology that consider links to ice dynamics.

The deadline for abstract submission is 11 January 2004.

Guidelines regarding abstract format, submission and oral/poster
presentations are available on the conference webpage at:

Session Convenors:

Urs Fischer
Versuchsanstalt fur Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie (VAW)
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
ufischer [at]

Bryn Hubbard
Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences
University of Wales, Aberystwyth
byh [at]

Sarah Boon
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
University of Alberta
sboon [at]