
Workshop on Linkages Between the Ocean Observatories Initiative and the
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
Sponsored by JOI/USSSP and NEPTUNE
17-18 July 2003
Seattle, Washington

For more information see:

Applications will be accepted until 16 May 2003

Workshop participants will explore and document linkages between the
Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) and the Integrated Ocean Drilling
Program (IODP). The planning structure for IODP is now being
established, and drilling operations should commence in 2004. Planning
is also underway for a community meeting in early 2004 to help craft the
Initial Science Plan for the OOI, including coastal, regional, and
global components. The OOI and IODP include common scientific goals, and
the primary aims of the July 2003 workshop are to articulate these goals
and identify essential experiments and technologies that will help to
achieve them. We also seek to enhance communication between OOI and IODP
participants, and to encourage participation in both programs by a
diverse group of scientists, technologists, and educators.

JOI/USSSP will provide partial travel support for a limited number of
U.S. participants. The workshop welcomes international participation. We
particularly encourage participation by those who have not been involved
previously in one or both of the IODP or OOI. Information, logistical
details, and applications for the IODP-OOI workshop are available at:

Applications will be accepted until 5/16/03. Please contact Andy Fisher
(afisher [at] or Kevin Brown (kmbrown [at] with questions.