For a more detailed description about the position announcement for the
University of the Arctic (UArctic) Director, go to: or contact: Professor
Oran Young, Chair of the Nominations Committee, at the Institute of
Arctic Studies, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, U.S.A. at email:
oran.r.young [at] The following announcement is also available
on-line at:
For more information on the University of the Arctic, see their web site
THE UNIVERSITY OF THE ARCTIC seeks an experienced and highly motivated
senior executive to serve as its first Director. Reporting to the
University of the Arctic Board of Governors and Council, the Director
will provide leadership in launching the programmatic activities of the
University of the Arctic and creating the administrative systems that
are needed to implement these activities.
This challenging position requires an individual who possesses a strong
knowledge of the Circumpolar North, an understanding of the roles of
post-secondary education and research within the field, and a strong
record of accomplishment as a senior administrator, preferably in an
academic context. The Director will operate in an international and
multicultural context, demanding a deep understanding of the cultural
diversity of the region. The successful candidate will have a
significant record of scholarly contribution and likely possess a PhD in
a relevant discipline. The ability to speak several northern languages
will be an asset.
A diverse partnership of more than two dozen post-secondary institutions
from all eight of the world's northern nations, the University of the
Arctic is committed to building capacity and promoting excellence in
northern post-secondary education and research. More information about
the University can be found at its web site.
Although a University of the Arctic position, the Director will be
located at the Arctic Centre, an institute of the University of Lapland
in Rovaniemi, Finland. The term is initially for three years. The salary
will be competitive by international standards. Applications, including
a statement of interest and Curriculum Vitae should be sent to the
University of the Arctic Circumpolar Coordination Office (address
below)/Nominations Committee by 15 October 2000. Candidates must also
have three letters of reference sent directly from references to the
Coordination Office. The applicants are encouraged to send the
applications both in email and paper form.
For a fuller description of the Director's post, please contact the
Circumpolar Coordination Office or consult the UArctic web site at:
Further information can be obtained from the Chair of the Nominations
Committee, Professor Oran Young at the Institute of Arctic Studies,
Dartmouth College, NH, U.S.A. at email: oran.r.young [at]
University of the Arctic Circumpolar Coordination Office, University of
Lapland, Arctic Centre, Box 122, FIN-96101 Rovaniemi, FINLAND Tel:
+358/16341-2738, +358/40501-0209, outi.snellman [at],
UArctic is an equal opportunity employer.