For more information about this conference sponsored by Roskilde University
and The Danish Research Academy email email
Rasmus Ole Rasmussen, rasmus [at]
Northern Capacity Building
and Cooperation in Higher Education
Roskilde May 26-27, 2000
There is a large existing basis of knowledge and expertise in relation
to cooperation in higher education, between educational institutions
focusing on the development in the Circumpolar North. It is obvious,
however, that there are still many problems to be resolved. Especially
in relation to further cooperation between different disciplines, and
across traditions and cultural starting points. At the same time there
is a growing awareness of a potential for tensions between the needs of
the local communities in the north, and the experiences and aspirations
of the research and education institutions involved in the Northern
Capacity building.
The purpose of the workshop is to have a forum for exchange of
experience in connection with the Norther Capacity building. The focus
of the workshop will be on possible obstacles and potential measures in
relation to an increased inter-disciplinary, inter-institutional and
inter-cultural cooperation in the future.
Thursday May 25.
Arrival to Roskilde
Friday May 26.
09.00-09.30 Opening of conference
09.30-11.30 (I) Higher Education and the North
11.45-12.45 Lunch
13.00-15.00 (II) Cooperation - experiences, problems and perspectives
16.00-18.00 (III) Cooperation - pedagogies
18.00-19.00 Exhibition and Performances
19.00-21.00 Dinner
Saturday May 27.
09.00-09.15 Opening of second day
09.15-12.30 (IV) New Initiatives
12.30-13.00 Closing remarks
13.15-14.00 Lunch
Workshop fee: US$ 100 which includes meals and refreshments.
Abstract submissions: April 5.
Registration: May 1.
Organised by
Roskilde University and The Danish Research Academy
NORS - North Atlantic Regional Studies
Roskilde University 21.2
P.O. Box 260
unipaed [at]