Scripps Institution of Oceanography
University of California, San Diego
Scripps Institution of Oceanography invites applications for an assistant,
associate or full professor (tenure track or tenured) faculty position in
the physical or dynamical aspects of meteorology, climate or atmospheric
sciences. Candidates must have demonstrated research experience in an
appropriate area. Preference will be given to candidates specializing in
atmospheric dynamics, with research interests in areas such as clouds
air-sea interactions, coupled ocean-atmosphere modeling, or climate
variability on seasonal and longer time scales. Candidates will be
expected to be able to establish a vigorous research program in an
interdisciplinary environment that includes work on atmospheric chemistry,
geochemistry, the physical climate system, paleoclimatology, atmospheric
dynamics and physics, global climate modeling, and biological and physical
Rank and salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience
based on the University of California pay scale. Candidates must have a
Ph. D. or equivalent degree. The position will involve the teaching,
supervision and support of graduate students, and the development of
research programs supported by extramural funds. There will also be the
opportunity to teach at the undergraduate level. Associate and full
professorial candidates must show evidence of a strong research record;
assistant-level candidates will be expected to show evidence of their
potential through a publication record appropriate to their experience.
Applications received by October 1, 1998 will be assured of consideration.
Send a letter of application including a description of research interests
list of publications, resume of teaching experience, and the names and
addresses of at least three referees to:
Atmospheric Sciences Search Committee
Graduate Department
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0208, USA
Web Site:
The University of California is an equal opportunity/affirmative action