Dear Colleague,
This is to inform you that the applications for the 1999 Gordon Research
Conference (GRC) on Polar Marine Science are now open. You will find,
below, the scientific program of the Conference. As you will see from the
list of session topics and lecture titles, and also from the names of
Discussion Leaders and Speakers, the discussions on the controls and
significance of carbon fluxes in polar seas should be most exciting.
If you are interested in attending the GRC, I recommend that you apply as
soon as possible. Because all GRCs are limited to a maximum number of 135
participants, including the Discussion Leaders and Speakers, we may be
unable to accept late applicants.
The application procedure is as follows:
Go to the GRC WEB site, at
On the front page, click: Attending a Conference.
On the page "Attending a Gordon Conference", click: On-Line Application.
Follow the instructions and fill all the boxes.
- The name of the Conference is: Polar Marine Science
- The location is: Ventura
- The date is: 7-12 March 1999
You will receive an answer from the GRC Office within a few weeks after
applying (the processing of applications will start in mid-September).Once your application is accepted, you must register. The cost of
registration, which includes the room and meals from the afternoon of
Sunday 7 March through the morning of Friday 12 March, will be US$630
before 14 February 1999 and US$680 after that date. These rates are for a
double room, to be shared with another participant. Single rooms are
available, at the cost of US$725 (or US$775 for registration after 14
February). All participants must attend the Conference for its full
duration. Guests are allowed, at a reduced registration fee. No guests or
children are allowed in the lecture room.
I look forward to seeing you in Ventura, this coming March.
Louis Legendre, Chair
GRC on Polar Marine Science
Gordon Research Conference
on Controls and significance of carbon fluxes in polar seas
Ventura, California, 7-12 March 1999
Louis Legendre, Chair; Barbara Prezelin, Vice-Chair
Scientific Program
Sunday 7 March
05:30-06:00 Conference Opening
Evening Session 1. The geochemical viewpoint
07:25-07:30 Introduction (Christiane Lancelot, Discussion Leader)
07:30-08:10 Carbon fluxes within and out of the Arctic Ocean basin
(Leif Anderson)
08:10-08:30 Discussion
08:30-09:10 Carbon fluxes in the Southern Ocean (Hein de Baar)
09:10-09:30 Discussion
Monday 8 March
08h45-09h05 Group photo
Morning Session 2. The thermohaline circulation
09:05-09:10 Introduction (Eileen Hofmann, Discussion Leader)
09:10-09:50 The many faces of Southern Ocean overturning (Arnold Gordon)
09:50-10:10 Discussion
10:10-10:30 Break
10:30-11:10 Formation of new ice in the Greenland Sea and deep
convection (Peter Wadhams)
11:10-11:30 Discussion
11:30-12:10 Modeling approach (Jorge Sarmiento)
12:10-12:30 Discussion
Late afternoon Poster session A
04:30-06:00 Posters (Barbara Prezelin, Vice-Chair; Christine Michel,
Discussion Leader)
Evening Session 3. Polynyas and shelf-basin interactions
07:25-07:30 Introduction (Patricia Yager, Discussion Leader)
07:30-08:10 Polynyas and shelf-basin interactions in the Southern
Hemisphere (Kevin Arrigo)
08:10-08:30 Discussion
08:30-09:10 Polynyas and shelf-basin interactions in the Northern
Hemisphere (Sharon Smith)
09:10-09:30 Discussion
Tuesday 9 March
Morning Session 4. Macro- and micronutrients
08:45-08:50 Introduction (Walker Smith, Discussion Leader)
08:50-09:30 Si vs. N vs. Fe in the Northern Hemisphere (Eva-Maria Noethig)
09:30-09:50 Discussion
09:50-10:10 Break
10:10-10:50 Si vs. N vs. Fe in the Southern hemisphere (Paul Treguer)
10:50-11:10 Discussion
11:10-11:50 Sea ice as a source of iron and other nutrients (Peter Sedwick)
11:50-12:10 Discussion
12:10-12:30 Poster Session A report and discussion (Christine Michel
Discussion Leader)
Evening Session 5. Water-column biological carbon processes
07:25-07:30 Introduction (Takao Hoshiai, Discussion Leader)
07:30-08:10 Biological carbon cycling in the Arctic Ocean (Patricia
08:10-08:30 Discussion
08:30-09:10 Water-column biological carbon processes in the Southern
Ocean (Sigrid Schiel)
09:10-09:30 Discussion
Wednesday 10 March
Morning Session 6. The changing physical environment
08:45-08:50 Introduction (Victoria Lytle, Discussion Leader)
08:50-09:30 Changing ice and ocean conditions in the Northern
Hemisphere (Eddy Carmack)
09:30-09-10 Discussion
09:50-10:10 Break
10:10-10:50 Paleo-ice cover in the Southern Hemisphere (Leanne Armand)
10:50-11:10 Discussion
11:10-11:50 Snow on ice: effects on carbon fluxes (David Barber)
11:50-12:10 Discussion
12:10-12:30 Mid-conference summary (Louis Legendre, Chair)
Late afternoon Poster session B
04:30-06:00 Posters (Barbara Prezelin, Vice-Chair; Stephanie Pfirman
Discussion Leader)
Evening Special Wednesday evening lecture
07:30-07:35 Introduction (Louis Legendre, Chair)
07:35-08:00 Planetary aspects of carbon fluxes in polar seas (Masakuki
08:00-08:15 Discussion
Evening Session 7. Animals confronted to the changing sea ice and snow cover
08:15-08:20 Introduction (David Ainley, Discussion Leader)
08:20-08:45 Food, foraging behavior and breeding success of Adelie
penguins in relation to the annual changes in sea-ice conditions
(Akiko Kato)
08:45-09:00 Discussion
09:00-09:25 Carbon flow towards sea birds and marine mammals in polar
marine food webs: use of stable isotope techniques (Keith
09:25-09:40 Discussion
Thursday 11 March
Morning Session 8. The downward flux of carbon
08:45-08:50 Introduction (Catherine Jeandel, Discussion Leader)
08:50-09:30 Seasonal cycle of carbon export in the Southern Ocean
(Tom Trull)
09:30-09:50 Discussion
09:50-10-10 Break
10:10-10:50 Seasonal cycle of carbon export in the Nordic Seas
(Paul Wassmann)
10:50-11:10 Discussion
11:10-11:50 Comparison of North and South Hemispheres (Susumu Honjo)
11:50-12:10 Discussion
12:10-12:30 Poster Session B report and discussion
(Stephanie Pfirman, Discussion Leader)
Late afternoon Business session
05:15-06:00 Future of the GRC on Polar Marine Science, election of next
Vice-Chair (Louis Legendre, Chair; Barbara Prezelin, Vice-Chair)
Evening Session 9. Sediment processes
07:25-07:30 Introduction (Jody Deming, Discussion Leader)
07:30-08:10 Sediment respiration and biogeochemical tracers as
indicators of carbon flux and benthic cycling in the Arctic and
Antarctic (Jackie Grebmeier)
08:10-08:30 Discussion
08:30-09:10 Denitrification in Arctic Shelf sediments (Lou Codispoti)
09:10-09:30 Discussion
09:30-09:40 Conference evaluation
Friday 12 March
Conference closed. Depart after breakfast.
*********** Prof. Louis Legendre ***********
Departement de biologie, Universite Laval
Quebec, QC G1K 7P4, Canada
FAX: +1 (418) 656 2339; TEL: +1 (418) 656 5788
----------------- e-mail: louis.legendre [at]