
Seeking an Information and Communications Specialist

ARCUS is seeking an energetic person with the creative skills and science background to develop and maintain Arctic science and logistics Internet resources and the technical skills to keep our Mac OS based hardware and software running in top order.

This position provides technical expertise and administrative support to all of the programs of ARCUS and reports to the Executive Director. ARCUS (the Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S., Inc.) is a nonprofit consortium of 30 universities concerned with Arctic research and education. For more information about ARCUS check our Web site at

A detailed job description and application can be obtained at, or by calling (907)474-1600, sending an email request to arcus [at], or visiting the ARCUS office in person at 600 University Ave, Suite 1, Fairbanks, AK 99709.

Salary will depend upon range of experience and expertise and is contingent
on funding. Submit cover letter, resume and application to the address
above by 5:00pm, Monday, 22 June 1998. ARCUS is an equal opportunity employer.