
Dear Polar Colleagues,

NSF is preparing for the review of submissions to the Knowledge and Distributed Intelligence initiative (KDI), and building a pool of reviewers qualified in KDI-related research areas. KDI is a cross-Foundation initiative that aims to promote research in three areas: Knowledge Networking, Learning and Intelligent Systems, and New Challenges for Computation. (See "" for details.)

If you are willing and able to participate in this panel review process, we would very much like to consider you as a potential panelist. (Please note: If you are a participant in a proposal submitted to KDI, unfortunately you aren't eligible to be a panel reviewer.)

Panel reviewers will be brought to Arlington, VA for one of two sessions, on either July 26-29 or August 2-5. After an orientation session on Sunday evening, reviewers will meet in panels. Each panel will consist of about 12 people, and will consider and evaluate about 50 proposals over the next three days. On Wednesday afternoon of each week, all reviews will be handed in, we will have a short summary session, and reviewers will leave by 5 PM. NSF reviewers are paid a per diem to cover their expenses and an honorarium for their services.

In addition to providing a service to the research community, you will also have an opportunity to learn what is happening in research efforts around the country and to learn about the KDI review process and other Foundation activities. This is also a good opportunity to become familiar with many of the plans and priorities of the Foundation.

If you are interested to become a candidate for this panel review process, please fill-in the information below and return it ASAP to Linda Duguay via email to lduguay [at]

Finally, KDI is a foundation wide-effort, and we apologize if you're contacted by more than one NSF person in this regard.

Thank you,

Dr. Linda E. Duguay,
KDI working group member
Office of Polar Programs

KDI potential panel reviewer form:


Mailing Address:

Email Address:


Fax: (may be needed to arrange travel)

Type of institution (2 yr/4yr/Masters/Doctoral/Public/Private)

Have you reviewed for any NSF program in the last five years? If so,
which program?

Academic department and area of Ph.D.:

Area(s) of research interest and expertise:

Specific KDI area in which your expertise falls (see the solicitation)

Other qualifications: