
AGU Spring Meeting, Boston, May 26-29, 1998

CONVENERS: John Tarduno and Bernie Coakley

Dear Colleague,

We welcome your contributions to a special session for the Spring American Geophysical Union meeting entitled, "GP04, Tectonics and and Magmatism of the Arctic Region: Cretaceous to Present." The Arctic remains one of the least understood regions in terms of its tectonic and magmatic development. Papers are solicited which present new data and models on all aspects of Arctic geologic evolution, the nature of large scale magmatism and the possible relationships between Arctic tectonism and climate. The meeting is sure to attract a large group of geoscientists and the session will be an excellent venue to share your latest data and ideas.

If you'd like to contribute to the session, please SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT TO AGU following the guidelines for presentations given in the September 23 and November 11 issues of EOS or on the AGU web site ( Please note the following deadlines:

February 19: Deadline for abstracts submitted by mail.

February 26: Deadline for abstracts using the AGU web site interactive form (but don't wait until the last day because there will be annoying delays!)

The session is jointly sponsored by the AGU Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism Section and the AGU Tectonophysics Section, but please include the session name and code (GP04) on the abstract form.

Also note that for this meeting, you may submit more than one first-authored abstract. When submitting an abstract, we ask you to also send a copy (mail, Fax or email) to one of the conveners below.

We hope to see you in Boston this spring for the session!

John A. Tarduno
Depart. Earth and Environ. Sci.
227 Hutchison Hall
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY 14627
phone (716) 275-2410 Fax (716) 244-5689
john [at]

Bernard Coakley
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
107 Oceanography
Palisades NY 10964
bjc [at]