October 30, 1996
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
February 27 - March 2, 1997
The 27th Arctic Workshop will be held at the Department of Geography,
University of Ottawa. The meeting will consist of a series of paper and
poster sessions covering all aspects of the arctic environment, past and
present. Previous Arctic Workshops have included presentations on arctic
climate, geomorphology, hydrology, glaciology, soils, ecology, oceanography
and Quaternary history. There will also be an introductory-level hands-on
workshop on the potential uses of GIS for Arctic research.
February 27: Icebreaker (6 pm-8 pm)
February 28: Paper and poster sessions (8 am-5 pm)
March 1: Paper and poster sessions (8 am-5 pm)
March 2: GIS hands-on Workshop focussing on potential uses of GIS for
Arctic research (9 am-noon)
The final program will depend on the number of participants. Anyone
wishing to organize a session with a particular theme should contact Dr.
Antoni Lewkowicz at the address below as soon as possible.
Further details will be given in the Second Circular which will be
distributed at the beginning of January. They will also be posted on the
Workshop web-site (see below).
Registration charges cover one copy of the extended Abstracts volume (which
will be distributed at the Workshop), the Icebreaker reception, as well as
lunch and refreshment breaks on February 28 and March 1.
Fees in Canadian dollars are as follows:
Regular Registration - Received before January 24: $85 (US $63)
- Received after January 24: $100 (US $74)
Student Registration - Received before January 24: $60 (US $45)
- Received after January 24: $75 (US $56)
Payments should be made by cheque or money order in Canadian or US dollars
made out to University of Ottawa (27th Arctic Workshop). They should be
sent to the address on the Registration Form below.
Financial assistance is available for graduate student presenters thanks to
support from the National Science Foundation (USA). Graduate students who
attend the 27th Arctic Workshop and give either an oral presentation or a
poster presentation will receive support for the following costs: (i)
registration fee, (ii) meals for up to 4 days on a per diem basis, and
(iii) motel/hotel charges, preferably shared, for up to 4 nights. Please
contact Dr. John Andrews, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research,
University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado (andrewsj [at] spot.Colorado.edu) for
additional information and to aid in budget planning.
There are several downtown hotels within walking distance of the campus.
Details on rates and contact numbers will be given in the Second Circular
and on the web-site.
Each abstract can be up to 1000 words long including references and can
also include up to 3 figures or maps. The format for an abstract is as
Title (All upper case, left justified)
Leave one blank line
Author(s) (Full name(s) in order of contribution, with "and" separating the
names of two authors and commas separating all but the last authors if more
than two.
Leave one blank line
Affiliation(s) (Full postal address(es), left justified)
Leave two blank lines
Text (Single-spaced with double spacing between paragraphs, left-justified)
Leave one blank line
References (Follow format for Arctic and Alpine Research; single spacing
between individual references)
Text-only abstracts can be sent by e-mail to the Workshop address:
geolan [at] aix1.uottawa.ca
If you choose to send your abstract by regular mail please include in
addition to the printed copy, a PC or Mac disk with the abstract text file
in MS Word or WordPerfect format. The printed version should be in 12
point text (preferably using a Times font) and be on 8.5 x 11 inch paper
with 0.75 inch left and right margins and 1 inch top and bottom margins.
Any abstracts with figures or maps must be mailed as printed versions to
the address shown on the registration form. Figures can be submitted, in
addition to the printed version, as files in CDR (CorelDRAW!), WPG
(WordPerfect Graphic), or PowerPoint.
All current information is posted on the Workshop web-site:
This site will be updated regularly during the lead-up to the Workshop.
University of Ottawa, Canada, February 27-March 2, 1997
Send this form:
(i) electronically to geolan [at] aix1.uottawa.ca
or (ii) fax to Dr, A. Lewkowicz, Department of Geography: 613-562-5145
or (iii) mail to: Dr. A. Lewkowicz, Chair, Organizing Committee, 27th
Arctic Workshop, Department of Geography, University of Ottawa, Ottawa,
Ontario, K1N 6N5 Canada.
I plan to attend the 27th Arctic Workshop.
Workshop Registration (Student/Regular):
I plan to attend the GIS hands-on introductory-level workshop on March 2
(Limit of 30)
I wish to present a paper (Abstract due by January 20, 1997) (Yes/No):
Authorship and provisonal title of paper:
I wish to present a poster (Abstract due by January 20, 1997) (Yes/No):
Authorship and provisonal title of poster:
FOR REGISTRATION BY E-MAIL OR FAX (Note fee schedule above and reduced
price before January 24, 1997):
Registration fees are being sent in the mail today (Yes/No):
Registration fees will be sent at a later date (Yes/No):
FOR REGISTRATION BY REGULAR MAIL (Note fee schedule above and reduced price
before January 24, 1997):
Registration fees are enclosed (Yes/No):
Registration fees will be sent at a later date (Yes/No):
Antoni Lewkowicz alewkowi [at] uottawa.ca
Chairperson Phone: 613-562-5704
Department of Geography Fax: 613-562-5145
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1N 6N5