Event Type
Webinars and Virtual Events
Event Dates
Online: 12:00 pm AKDT

Coastal regions of Alaska are regularly affected by intense storms of ocean origin, the frequency and intensity of which are expected to increase as a result of global climate change. Coastal storms have already led to severe erosion, flooding, and destruction of salt-intolerant vegetation, but to date, little quantitative information on storm-generated total water levels at the coast is available. This presentation by Li Erikson from the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Sciences Center provides a summary of two recent studies that partially fulfill this information gap. The presentation will summarize historical trends and relative contributions of storm surge, wave runup, and astronomic tides on storm-induced water levels at the coast, as well as projected flood frequencies and extents along the margins of Arey Lagoon.​

Join us in Anchorage:
Science Applications Conference Room (1st floor)
USFWS Regional Office
1011 E. Tudor Rd.

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