SIMS and laser techniques provide a new level of climate resolution through analysis of isotope ratio and trace element compositions at micron-scale. In situ analysis permits correlation of imaging with geochemistry and selection of features that could not otherwise be interrogated. These recent advances yield improved temporal resolution and promise an important new level of understanding for many paleoclimate proxies. The workshop will be conducted in parallel with tutorial demonstrations of the IMS-1280 Ion Microprobe in the WiscSIMS Lab. The goals of the meeting are to explore new capabilities and new applications of in situ analysis to paleoclimate and to acquaint participants with SIMS techniques.
Keynote Speakers include:
- Richard Alley (Penn. State): Abrupt climate change: Looking forward by looking back
- Ron Amundson (Univ. California-Berkeley): High resolution paleoclimate data from laminated carbonates in soils
- Kim Cobb (Georgia Inst. of Technology): The Toba super-eruption: Micro-scale traces of a global-scale climate event?
- Alex Gagnon (Univ. of Washington): The impact of small-scale heterogeneity on proxies in biomineral archives
- Clay Kelly (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison): Forams Forever
- Reinhard Kozdon (Rutgers): Getting the big picture from a small spot: Stable isotope analysis by SIMS in foraminifera and other small or zoned samples
- Margaret Schoeninger (Univ. California-San Diego): Paleoclimate and tooth enamel. Where do we go from here
- Howie Spero (Univ. of California-Davis): Quantifying Isotopic Variations in Cultured Planktic Foraminifera at the Micron Scale
For more information and to register, please click on the link above.