SEARCH Kick-off Tactics Meeting: Knowledge to Action for Arctic Science
16–17 September 2014
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Foothills Laboratory 2 (FL2)
3450 Mitchell Lane
Boulder, Colorado
The goals of this meeting are to:
Provide the first opportunity for the Science Steering Committee (SSC) members, Action Team leads, ACADIS leads, and other key participants to meet in person as a group and reaffirm the common vision for implementation of SEARCH's five-year plan.
Obtain input from Interagency Program Management Committee (IPMC) and Interagency Arctic Research Policy (IARPC) Staff Committee members on key elements of SEARCH strategy and tactics, in particular as relevant to SEARCH Terms of Reference and agency engagement.
Agreement on key aspects of the following, which will be finalized after the meeting:
a. Specific plan for activities (led by the Action Teams and SSC) for the first year, focused on those related to the SEARCH science goals but also including data management issues, AON-related tasks, and other cross-cutting activities.
b. Terms of Reference for: SSC, Action Teams, any observing/AON-focused and data management groups, and agency committee(s).
c. Job description and recruitment strategy for a SEARCH Executive Director
d. Potential members for SSC rotation and for populating Action TeamsHave fun in a great location, with great people, in a productive meeting while talking science.
For more information, contact Helen Wiggins (helen [at], ARCUS.
Agenda (as of 14 Sept, PDF - 240 KB)
Meeting "Ground Rules" (PDF - 64 KB)
Participant List
Particpant List (in-person and web participants; PDF - 69KB)
Presentations will be posted here as we receive them.
Tuesday 8:45am: Introductory presentation, Hajo Eicken. Intro presentation (PPTX - 4MB)
Tuesday 9:20am: NSF Perspective, Neil Swanberg: Swanberg Presentation (PPTX - 48.4 KB)
Tuesday 9:20am: AON/AOS, Erica Key: Key Presentation (PPTX - 51 KB)
Tuesday 9:45am: IARPC, Sandy Starkweather: IARPC Presentation (PPTX - 2MB)
IPMC, Neil Swanberg.
Tuesday 10:30am: Observing Change presentation, Craig Lee: Observing Change (PPTX - 596 KB)
Tuesday 10:55am: ACADIS, Lynn Yarmey ACADIS Presentation (PPTX - 3.4 MB)
Tuesday 11:20am: "Knowledge to Action", Bob Bindschadler and Susan Crate: Bindschadler and Crate (PPTS - 291 KB)
Talk on ARCUS' YouTube channel:
Tuesday 11:45am: Scenarios and State Variables. Hajo Eicken: Eicken-Scenarios (PDF- 5.6 MB) ; Olivia Lee:
Lee-Scenarios (PPTX - 3.4 MB)
Tuesday 1:30pm: Science goals/Action Teams
Permafrost, Ted Schurr: Permafrost Action Team presentation (PPTX - 26MB)
Sea ice, Jen Francis & Henry Huntington: "Sea Ice" Action Team presentation (PPTX - 5.3MB)
Land ice/sea level, Fiamma Straneo & Ted Scambos: Land Ice Action Team presentation (PPT - 2.9MB)
Tuesday 2:30pm Breakout group charge: Tuesday afternoon breakout charge (PDF - 74 KB)
Tuesday afternoon breakout charge (As MS Word - 125 KB)
Tuesday afternoon breakout table (As PPTX - 62 KB)
Network analysis (Olivia Lee): Lee Presentation/Charge (PPTX - 115 KB)
All meeting sessions will be held at the NCAR Foothills Laboratory 2 (FL 2). Map & Directions:
Continental breakfast will be provided at the meeting room 1/2 hour before the meeting starts each day. Lunch will be on-your-own in the NCAR cafeteria; note that it is cash-only.
Webcasting instructions will be sent to the participants who have been invited to join via webcast.
Essential Readings
SEARCH Vision and Mission:
SEARCH 5-Year Goals:
Summary of New SEARCH Framework: Summary of SEARCH Framework (PDF - 884 KB)
Draft SEARCH Management Plan: Draft SEARCH Management Plan (PDF - 204 KB)
Additional Background Information
Overall SEARCH Governance and Management
SEARCH Science Steering Committee (SSC):
SEARCH Proposal to NSF (expanded version of Summary of New SEARCH Framework document above): SEARCH Original Submitted Proposal (PDF - 399 KB)
SEARCH 5-year goals and goal-related activities
SEARCH Terms of Reference: Existing/past Terms of Reference language (MS Word - 57 KB)
SEARCH Data Advisory Group Terms of ReferenceData ToR (MS Word - 42 KB) (2009):
"Knowledge to Action" Readings
Susan Crate and Alexander Fedorov. 2013. A Methodological Model for Exchanging Local and Scientific Climate Change Knowledge in Northeastern Siberia. Arctic: Vol. 66, No 3. pp 338-350. Crate and Fedorov 2013 (PDF - 2.5 MB)
Ioan Fazey et al. 2014. Evaluating Knowledge Exchange in Interdisciplinary and Multi-stakeholder Research. Global Environmental Change. Fazey et al 2014 (PDF - 1.1 MB)
Lorrae van Kerkhoff and Louis Lebel. 2006. Linking Knowledge and Action for Sustainable Development. Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 31: 445-77.Kerkhoff and Lebel 2006 (PDF - 301 KB)
SEARCH "Understanding Arctic Change"
Recommendations for Understanding Arctic System Change: Report from a 2010 Workshop:Full report (283 KB)
Excerpts from report (95 KB)
Arctic Observing System/Network
Data Management
SEARCH Data Policy: (PDF - 108 KB)
Advanced Cooperative Arctic Data and Information Service (ACADIS):
One-page summary of ACADIS goals & activities: ACADIS Summary (PDF - 608 KB)
Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC)
The IARPC 5-year Research Plan can be found at:
Sea Ice Prediction Network (a contribution to SEARCH):
Additional SEARCH Reports:
Network analysis, to be discussed at meeting: PowerPoint file (98 KB)