ARCUS staff hope to see many of our colleagues and friends—and meet new ones—at the ARCUS-related events at AGU this year!
Monday, 12 December 2016
Poster: A (Mis)Match of User Needs, Science Priorities, and Funder Support: A Case Study of Arctic Sea Ice Knowledge (PA11A-1952)
Authors: Helen Wiggins (ARCUS), Betsy Turner-Borgen (ARCUS), Brit Myers (ARCUS), Lisa Sheffield Guy (ARCUS)
Time & Location: 8:00 am–12:20 pm, Moscone South Poster Hall
Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) Town Hall
Time & Location: 12:30–1:30 pm, San Francisco Marriott Marquis (780 Mission Street), Foothill E, 2nd Floor and online via webinar.
More information about the Town Hall and other SEARCH events.
6:00 pm ARCUS Board Meeting (closed meeting)
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Presentation: How One Teacher Research Experience Program is Transforming STEM Education (ED21E-06)
Authors: Janet Warburton (ARCUS), Judy Fahnestock (ARCUS), Angela Larson (Goldstream Group)
Time & Location: 9:10–9:20 am, Moscone South 309
Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN) Open Meeting
Time & Location: 12:15–1:15 pm, San Francisco Marriott Marquis (780 Mission Street), Foothill E, 2nd Floor
More information here.
Poster Session: Scenario Approaches to Understand Arctic Futures (GC23E)
Time & Location: 1:40–6:00 pm, Moscone South Poster Hall
Chairs: Robert Rich (ARCUS), Caspar Amman (National Center for Atmospheric Research [NCAR])
Conveners: Robert Rich (ARCUS), Brit Myers (ARCUS), Caspar Amman (NCAR), Helen Wiggins (ARCUS)
Session Description
Poster: Promoting Knowledge to Action through the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) Program (GC23A-1208)
Time & Location: 1:40–6:00 pm, Moscone South Poster Hall
Authors: Brit Myers, Helen Wiggins
Wednesday, 14 December 2016
Panel: Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) Career Panel
Time & Location: 12:30–1:30pm, Career Resource Theater in Moscone South
Robert Rich (ARCUS) will participate on the panel discussion of "Applying for the next step!"APECS Career Panel Flyer
Poster: Keeping the Hope: Seeing, Understanding, and Teaching Climate Change (ED33C-0903)
Time & Location: 1:40-6:00pm, Moscone South Poster Hall
Authors: Janet Warburton (ARCUS), Sarah Bartholow (Self-employed), Angela Larson (Goldstream Group)
ARCUS Annual Meeting
Time & Location: 6:00–7:00 pm, San Francisco Marriott Marquis (780 Mission Street), Foothill E, 2nd Floor
More information.
ARCUS Arctic Research Community Reception
Time & Location: 7:00–8:30 pm, San Francisco Marriott Marquis (780 Mission Street), Foothill E, 2nd Floor
Join other Arctic researchers at AGU in conversation, networking, and socializing.
More information.
Thursday, 15 December 2016
Poster Session: Bright STaRS: Bright Students Training as Research Scientists (ED41A)
Time & Location: 8:00 am–12:20 pm, Moscone South Poster Hall
Chairs: Elizabeth Eubanks (Teacher Researcher Experiences), Jennifer Saltzman (Stanford University), Janet Warburton (ARCUS)
Conveners: Jennifer Saltzman (Stanford University), Janet Warburton (ARCUS), Elizabeth Eubanks (Teacher Researcher Experiences), Pranoti M. Asher (American Geophysical Union)
Session Description