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Terry | Poulton | terry.poulton@canada.ca | Organization: Natural Resources Canada Department: Geological Survey of Canada - Calgary Title: Geologist Specialties: stratigraphy, paleontology, biostratigraphy Current Research: Jurassic stratigraphy and molluscan paleontology (ammonites, bivalves) in northern Canada. |
Richard | Powell | rcp31@cam.ac.uk | Organization: Emmanuel College, Cambridge Department: Department of Geography Title: Ph.D. Student Specialties: geography, history of polar research, arctic science policy Current Research: Role of fieldwork, field practices, and interactions with indigenous knowledges, in the epistemology and policy-related issues of arctic science. |
Ross | Powell | rpowell@niu.edu | Organization: Northern Illinois University Department: Geology and Environmental Geosciences Title: Professor Specialties: glacimarine processes, fjord/shelf oceanography, glaciology Current Research: Southern and southeastern Alaska, Antarctic and Chile: climatology, glacial behavior and historical record of fluctuations, glacial sedimentology, oceanography, marine geological processes, marine geophysical surveys, marine sedimentological investigations.Characterizing high-resolution seismic reflection records in terms of glacimarine sedimentology and glacial history (NSF). |
James | Powell | jim23powell@gmail.com | Organization: University of Alaska Southeast Department: Alaska Coastal Rainforest Center Title: Assistant Research Professor Specialties: community sustainability indicators, climate change, climate governance, Current Research: Arctic urban sustainability indicators, community adaptation, perceptions of environmental change. |
Desmond | Power | Organization: Memorial University of Newfoundland Department: Remote Sensing - C-CORE Title: Director Specialties: remote sensing, electromagnetic modeling Current Research: Radar. |
Laurie | Prange | lprange@yukoncollege.yk.ca | Organization: Yukon University Title: Special Collections and Catalogue Librarian Specialties: library/information specialist, northern studies, education Current Research: As the Special Collection and Catalogue Librarian, I am responsible for maintaining and organizing the Yukon College Library's resources on Northern-related material.Materials with a Northern focus include specific industries like forestry, mining, or fisheries, or research on the flora and fauna of the North, or material on Northern and First Nations societies, often with a strong emphasis on history. Materials I deal with may be published or unpublished paper sources, video and audio recordings, maps, electronic sources, etc. As part of the Library team, I provide information through the kind of material that can be stored in a library and used by students and researchers. The main focus of the Northern material is on the Yukon but always within the context of the Circumpolar North |
Brian | Pratt | brian.pratt@usask.ca | Organization: University of Saskatchewan Department: Department of Geological Sciences Title: Professor Specialties: paleontology, biostratigraphy, sedimentology Current Research: Cambrian-Ordovician stratigraphy and biostratigraphy, Arctic Canada. |
Richard | Prentki | richard.prentki@mms.gov | Organization: U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Department: Alaska OCS Region Environmental Studies Section Title: Oceanographer Specialties: oceanography, oil and gas development, environmental chemistry Current Research: Contracting Officer's Technical Representative for MMS Physical 0ceanography and Fate and Effects Studies Alaska OCS Region |
Pål | Prestrud | prestrud@cicero.uio.no | Organization: Center for International Climate and Environmental Research Title: Director Specialties: population ecology, ecophysiology, ecology Current Research: Population ecology of arctic foxes. |
Michael | Pretes | mpretes@coombs.anu.edu.au | Organization: University of North Alabama Department: Department of Geography Title: Research Scholar Specialties: natural resources management, natural resources policy, sustainable development Current Research: Comparative northern development (Alaska, Canada, Australia).Comparative Native land claims (Alaska, Canada, Australia).Resource revenue management and trust funds.Compensation payments for mineral development on Native lands. |
Barbara | Prezelin | barbara@icess.ucsb.edu | Organization: University of California, Santa Barbara Department: Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology Specialties: aquatic ecology, radiation, phytoplankton Current Research: Ultraviolet radiation and aquatic primary production. |
Angelique | Prick | angelique.prick@unis.no | Specialties: periglacial environment, permafrost, geomorphology Current Research: Rock weathering in high latitude environmnents rock fall, natural hazards |
Simon | Prinsenberg | prinsenbergs@dfo-mpo.gc.ca | Organization: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Bedford Institute of Oceanography Department: Coastal Ocean Sciences Title: Research Scientist Specialties: physical oceanography, sea ice dynamics, sea ice remote sensing Current Research: Freshwater and heat fluxes through the Canadian Archipelago (moorings).Seasonal variability of pack ice fluxes along Lbrador Coast.Ice Beacon and helicopter sensor development to observe pack ice properties.Validation of remotely sensed imagery for pack ice properties.Ice physics (dynamics), remote sensing, and physical oceanography of Canadian arctic and subarctic seas.Pack ice instrumentation platforms (beacons and helicopter sensors). |
Peter | Prokosch | prokosch@wwf.de | Organization: World Wildlife Fund Title: Chief Executive Officer Specialties: environmental policy, biodiversity, bird populations Current Research: Directs WWF Arctic Programme and involved - together with our national organizations in the eight Arctic countries - in a number of projects, which are relelated to our following 8 objectives: 1. Disturbance and fragmentation of Arctic habitats and ecosystems is halted if not reversed; 2. Abundant population levels and historic ranges of native species are maintained or restored; 3. Ensure that any use of Arctic wild species is ecologically sustainable; 4. An environment in which the effects of contaminants and climate change on ecosystems and people are significantly reduced; 5. Increase recognition of the global significance of the Arctic; 6. Arctic communities meet their cultural and economic needs, consistent with WWF's conservation objectives; 7. Capacity exists for an environmental movement in the Arctic; 8. Any development is consistent with the other programme objectives. Quarterly conservation newsletter WWF ARCTIC BULLETIN updates frequently on circumpolar environmental policy, management ,and research issues. |
Andrey | Proshutinsky | aproshutinsky@whoi.edu | Organization: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Department: Physical Oceanography Title: Senior Scientist Specialties: climate change, climatology, physical oceanography Current Research: Climate change studies, physical oceanography, numerical modeling of sea ice and water dynamics, atmosphere-ice-ocean interactions, Arctic Ocean tides and internal waves, storm surges, regional oceanography of the arctic seas, Northern Sea Route climatology and navigation conditions, polar meteorology. |
Terry | Prowse | terry.prowse@ec.gc.ca | Organization: University of Victoria Department: Department of Geography - NWRI Title: Project Chief, Climate Impacts on Hydrology and Aquatic Ecosystems Specialties: hydrology, river ice, climate change Current Research: Hydro-climatic impacts affecting the Peace-Athabasca Catchments and River Delta.Hydro-climatic impacts in the Slave River Delta.Significance of fall freeze-up storage in spring-melt calculations. |
Matthew | Pruis | matt@nwra.com | Organization: NorthWest Research Associates Title: Research Scientist Specialties: oceanography, ice modeling, geothermal resources |
William | Pruitt | pruittjr@cc.umanitoba.ca | Organization: University of Manitoba Department: Department of Zoology Title: Professor and Senior Scholar Specialties: caribou, cold adaptation Current Research: Winter ecology of northern mammals, especially relations to snow cover.Adaptations of mammals to northern environments.Ecology of the boreal forest (taiga).Winter ecology of Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou). |
Monika | Pucko | umpucko@cc.umanitoba.ca | Organization: Centre of Earth Observation Science (University of Manitoba) Department: Clayton H. Ridell Faculty of Environment, Earth and Resources Title: Research Associate Specialties: biochemistry |
Gordon | Pullar | anglp1@uaa.alaska.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Department: Department of Alaska Native and Rural Development Title: Director and Assistant Professor Specialties: anthropology, Alaska Native Corporations, ethnohistory Current Research: Ethnohistorical research of Alaska Native communities in the former Russian America area. |
Erik | Pullman | epullman@abrinc.com | Organization: ABR, Inc. — Environmental Research and Services Title: Environmental Scientist Specialties: plant ecology, mapping |
Jonathan | Pundsack | pundsack@umn.edu | Organization: University of Minnesota Title: Managing Director, Polar Geospatial Center Specialties: hydrology, management, biology Current Research: Director of Arctic-CHAMP Science Management Office, which helps coordinate the suite of 22-projects of the NSF-ARCSS Freshwater |
Jaakko | Putkonen | jaakko.putkonen@und.edu | Organization: University of North Dakota Department: Harold Hamm School of Geology and Geological Engineering Title: Associate Professor, PhD Specialties: periglacial environment, permafrost, quaternary geology, geomorphology Current Research: -Build understanding of the landscape evolution over short (years) to long (tens of thousands to millions of years) time scales including erosion, transportation, and deposition of sediments. |
Detlef | Quadfasel | dq@gfy.ku.dk | Organization: University of Copenhagen Department: Department of Geophysics Title: Professor Specialties: climate change, ocean circulation Current Research: Greenland Sea convection.Bering Sea convection. |
Lori | Quakenbush | lori_quakenbush@fishgame.state.ak.us | Organization: Alaska Department of Fish and Game Department: Arctic Marine Mammal Program Specialties: marine mammals, marine biology Current Research: Pacific walrus biology.Sea Otter harvest bio-monitoring.Marine mammal biology, anatomy, ecology. Arctic sea duck nesting biology, migration, habitat use. |