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First Name | Last Name | ||
Kerry | Rodriguez | Title: Researcher, Inuit curriculum consultant Specialties: Inuit culture, traditional knowledge and wisdom, subsistence Current Research: Spiritual significance of subsistence hunting according to the oral testimony of Canadian Inuit Elders. |
Juan | Roederer | jgr@geewiz.gi.alaska.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Department: Geophysical Institute (GI) Specialties: magnetospheric physics, arctic science policy, psychoacoustics Current Research: Arctic science policy issues.International science policy.Space plasma physics.Music perception. |
Mette | Roensager | metr@hum.ku.dk | Organization: National History Museum, University of Copenhagen Department: Department of Eskimology Title: Ph.D.-student, MA in Eskimology, nurse Specialties: ethnohistory, Inuit Current Research: The Greenlandic midwives 1820-1925, focus on the status and social position as well as focus on midwives as middlemen between the Danish officials and the Greenlanders |
Walter | Roest | roest@nrcan.gc.ca | Organization: Natural Resources Canada Department: Geological Survey of Canada Title: Geophysicist Specialties: geophysics, geodynamics Current Research: Canada Basin, Eurasia Basin, and Baffin Bay seafloor spreading history.Geodynamics of Northeast Asia.Nares Strait.Aeromagnetic and gravity analysis. |
Juergen | Roettger | roettger@linmpi.mpg.de | Organization: Max Planck Institute for Astronomy Title: Adjunct Professor Specialties: aeronomy, atmospheric physics, arctic science policy Current Research: Auroral studies, plasma physics, ionospheric physics, meteorites.SOUSY, Svalbard Radar for atmospheric research to study weather, winds, waves, and turbulence in the polar region.MST VHF radar.Polar atmosphere.Global climate change. |
Jeffery | Rogers | rogers.21@osu.edu | Organization: Ohio State University Department: Department of Geography Title: Professor Specialties: air-sea-ice interactions, climate change, sea ice Current Research: Comparison of modern climate data to the record of climate contained in proxy records such as Greenland ice cores.Role of weather systems and the mean atmospheric circulation in the movement and distribution of Atlantic sea ice on daily and monthly time scales.Role of storm track variations in heat and moisture transport into the Arctic and its role in recent Arctic climate variability. |
Odd | Rogne | oddr@hotmail.com | Organization: Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme Title: Senior Adviser Specialties: economics, management |
Carl | Roland | carl_roland@nps.gov | Organization: U.S. National Park Service Department: Denali National Park and Preserve Title: Plant ecologist Specialties: Botany, phytogeography, conservation biology, vegetation patterns and processes, biodiversity, boreal forest, tundra, ecological succession, landscape ecology Current Research: Monitoring vegetation at a landscape scale in the Central Alaska Network of national parks. |
Vladimir | Romanov | romanov@aari.nw.ru | Organization: Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Roshydromet Department: The Russian Ministry for Science and Technology,Division for the Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction Studies Specialties: air-sea-ice interactions, atmospheric physics, climate modeling Current Research: Atmospheric planetary boundary layer parameterization for GCM, respecting the interaction with land, ice, snow, and ocean and in connection with the arctic features; diagnosis of the atmospheric circulation climate statistics, development of the intermediate complexity climate models, study of the climate structures and decadal oscillations, atmospheric eddy transports, synoptic eddy variability.Work with diagnostic studies and modeling of the processes that are responsible for the atmospheric climate structures state and changes as well as the nature of the decadal oscillations (NAO, AO). |
Nikolai | Romanovskii | nromanovsky@glas.apc.org | Organization: Moscow State University Department: Department of Geocryology Title: Professor, Doctor of Science Specialties: engineering geology, geocryology Current Research: Hydrogeology.Participated in Joint Russian-German projects "Laptev Sea System," "System Laptev Sea 2000."Have scholarship of Joint Russian-German Otto Schmidt Laboratory (2000-2001 & 2001-2002), and is CoPI of grant National ScienceFoundation, Grant No. 9985826. |
Vladimir | Romanovsky | veromanovsky@alaska.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Department: Geophysical Institute Title: Professor Specialties: global change, permafrost, soil physics Current Research: Permafrost geophysics, with particular emphasis on the ground thermal regime, active layer and permafrost processes, and the relationships between permafrost, hydrology, biota, and climate.Scientific and practical aspects of environmental and engineering problems involving ice and permafrost including: problems in the areas of soil physics, thermodynamics, heat and mass flow, and growth and decay processes that are associated with permafrost, subsea permafrost, seasonally frozen ground, and seasonal snow cover. |
Emmajean | Rombach | fsept@uaf.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Department: Department of Biology and Wildlife Title: Graduate Student Specialties: nutrition, physiology, biochemistry Current Research: Nutritional physiology and requirements during reproduction in arctic ungulates.Currently conducting research on trace mineral requirements for reproduction in muskoxen. |
Michael | Romero | mromero@tufts.edu | Organization: The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy (Tufts University) Department: Department of Biology Title: Assistant Professor Specialties: endocrinology, comparative physiology, neurobiology |
Gerald | Romick | gerry.romick@jhuapl.edu | Organization: Johns Hopkins University Department: Applied Physics Laboratory - Space Department Title: Senior Research Scientist Specialties: aeronomy, auroral studies, atmospheric sciences Current Research: Auroral spectroscopy from ground and Space Ozone height profiles from Satellite Stellar Occultation Observations over the Arctic. |
Steven | Roof | sroof@hampshire.edu | Organization: Hampshire College Department: School of Natural Science Title: Assistant Professor of Earth and Environmental Science Specialties: geology, glacial geology, climate change Current Research: Holocene and recent climate change.Modern glacier processess.Lacustrine records of Holocene climate change. |
James | Rooney | jrooney@rmconsult.com | Organization: Self Title: President Specialties: civil engineering, geotechnical engineering, permafrost engineering Current Research: -Frozen ground thermal change and influence on design and site infrastructure. Includes assessment of landforms, stability and soil property characteristics.-Member - N.A.S. Polar Research Board, 2007 to 2010 President-US Permafrost Association - 2010 |
E. Fred | Roots | fred.roots@ec.gc.ca | Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada Department: Institute for Environmental Monitoring and Research Title: Science Advisor Emeritus Specialties: science management, climate change, environmental assessment Current Research: International polar and bipolar research.United Nations Northern Sciences Network.International Arctic Science Committee. |
Ian | Rose | roseia@onid.orst.edu | Organization: Oregon State University Department: Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Title: http://www.oregonstate.edu/robylab Specialties: seabirds, zooplankton, Yup'ik Eskimo language Current Research: Monitoring of seabird populations on St. Lawrence Island, AK, specifically those surrounding the village of Savoonga. The diet of planktivorous and piscivorous seabirds on the island has been shown to be tied to large-scale ocean conditions and local sea ice dynamics. My primary interest is in further understanding these links, as well as their consequences for the St. Lawrence Island Yup'ik people. |
James | Rose | jrose@dircon.co.uk | Organization: Royal Holloway, University of London Department: Department of Geography Title: Professor Specialties: glacial geology, glacial geomorphology, paleogeography Current Research: Glacial geology and paleoglaciology.Quaternary geology, quaternary tratigraphy. |
John | Rose-Hansen | johnrh@geo.geol.ku.dk | Organization: National History Museum, University of Copenhagen Department: Geological Institute Title: Associate Professor Specialties: igneous petrology, environmental geology Current Research: Economic geology.Conditions of formation of rocks in Greenland (alkaline rocks, Ilimaussaq complex and gabbroic rocks, Skaergaard intrusion, platinum mineralisations). |
Theodore | Rosenberg | rosenberg@uap.umd.edu | Organization: University of Maryland, College Park Department: Institute for Physical Science and Technology Specialties: magnetospheric physics, ionospheric physics, auroral studies Current Research: Operate riometers to study the absorption of HF cosmic radio noise by the ionosphere. Installations in Gakona, Alaska; Sondrestrom Greenland; and Iqaluit, NWT, Canada. |
Danny | Rosenkrans | danny_rosenkrans@nps.gov | Organization: U.S. National Park Service Department: Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & Preserve Title: Superintendent Specialties: resource management, geology, mining Current Research: Geomorphology of Kennicott Basin.Fluvial systems geomorphology.Geochemistry of ore deposits and mined areas. |
Julie | Ross | julesross@hotmail.com | Organization: University of Toronto Department: Department of Anthropology Specialties: anthropology, archaeology Current Research: Greenland and Siberia environmental archaeology.Presently working on paleo-topography of the Ekalluk River Region, Victoria Island, Nunavut. |
Gustav | Rossnes | gustav.rossnes@ra.no | Organization: Directorate for Cultural Heritage (Norway) Department: Department for Buildings, Monuments and Sites Title: Senior Executive Officer Specialties: ethnology, hunting, landscape ecology Current Research: Summer hunting and winter trapping on Svalbard by Russians (Pomors) and Norwegians in the 19th and 20th centuries. |
Gordon | Rostoker | rostoker@stnet1.stelab.nagoya-u.ac.jp | Organization: Nagoya University Department: Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory Title: Professor Specialties: space physics, auroral studies, magnetospheric physics Current Research: Studies of magnetospheric substorms.Space weather prediction techniques. |