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First Name | Last Name | ||
Hayley | Shen | hhshen@clarkson.edu | Organization: Clarkson University Department: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Title: Research Professor Specialties: sea ice dynamics, sea ice modeling, air-sea-ice interactions Current Research: Wave-ice interaction. |
Rita | Shepard | shepard@ucla.edu | Organization: University of California, Los Angeles Department: Institute of Archaeology Specialties: anthropology, archaeology, ethnoarchaeology Current Research: Western and southwestern Alaska, especially Unalakleet and Norton Sound.Contact-era Alaska.Eskimo/Indian interaction. |
Paul | Shepson | paul.shepson@stonybrook.edu | Organization: State University of New York at Stony Brook Department: Departments of Chemistry and Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Title: Dean of the School of Marine & Atmospheric Sciences Specialties: atmospheric chemistry, chemistry, atmospheric sciences Current Research: Ozone depletion in the Arctic ocean/marine boundary layer. |
Ross | Sherlock | sherlock@nrcan.gc.ca | Organization: Natural Resources Canada Department: Canada Nunavut Geoscience Office Title: Research Scientist PhD, PGeo Specialties: geology Current Research: Geologic mapping and thematic studies at a variety of locations throughout Nunavut |
Evelyn | Sherr | sherre@oce.orst.edu | Organization: Oregon State University Department: College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Specialties: biological oceanography, biogeochemistry, microbiology Current Research: Microbial food web of water column and sea ice.Trophic roles of heterotrophic protists. |
Barry | Sherr | sherrb@coas.oregonstate.edu | Organization: Oregon State University Department: College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences (COAS) Specialties: biological oceanography, microbiology, biogeochemistry Current Research: Arctic Ocean pelagic and sea ice microbial food webs.Marine bacteriology and phagotrophic protist ecology. |
George | Sherrod | george_sherrod@fws.gov | Organization: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Department: Office of Subsistence Management Title: Anthropologist Specialties: anthropology, demography, socio-economic impact assessment Current Research: Alaska Native culture.Alaska Native economic systems.Kinship.Subsistence/resource management. |
Morgan | Sherwood | mbsherwood@ucdavis.edu | Organization: University of California, Davis Department: History Department Title: Professor Emeritus Specialties: history, history of science, exploration and travel |
Vladimir | Shevchenko | vshevch@geo.sio.rssi.ru | Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch Department: P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Specialties: marine geochemistry, air pollution, biogeochemistry Current Research: Study of geochemistry of the modern sedimentation in the Arctic: aerosol input, suspended particulate matter, and particle fluxes. |
Alexander | Shiklomanov | alex.shiklomanov@unh.edu | Organization: University of New Hampshire Department: Water Systems Analysis Group Specialties: hydrology, climate change, environmental monitoring Current Research: Freshwater budget of the Arctic Ocean.Water balance models.River runoff in the Arctic drainage basin and its possible change as a result of global warming and local human activity.Hydrometeorological data bases for the arctic drainage basin. |
Nikolay | Shiklomanov | shiklom@email.gwu.edu | Organization: The George Washington University Department: Geography Title: Associate Professor of Geography and International affairs Specialties: permafrost, Arctic socio-economic development, Arctic cities |
Hideki | Shimamura | shima@eos.hokudai.ac.jp | Title: Professor Specialties: seismology, geophysics, volcanology Current Research: Ocean Bottom Seismography survey (both controlled source seismology and natural seismology).Barents Sea, Icelandic Sea, North Atlantic Sea near Svalbard. |
Tracy | Shimmield | tms@sams.ac.uk | Organization: The Scottish Association for Marine Science Department: Department of Geochemistry Specialties: geochemistry, environmental contaminants, paleoceanography |
Kyung-Hoon | Shin | shinkh@iarc.uaf.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Department: International Arctic Research Center (IARC) Title: Researcher Specialties: chemical oceanography Current Research: Biogeochemical study of organic matter in the Arctic Ocean, particularly associated with terrestrial particulate and dissolved organic matter input and biological activities and paleoceanography. |
Drew | Shindell | dshindell@giss.nasa.gov | Organization: Columbia University Department: NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) Specialties: atmospheric chemistry, climate modeling, atmospheric sciences |
Masataka | Shiobara | shio@nipr.ac.jp | Organization: National Institute of Polar Research Department: Center for Antarctic Environment Monitoring Specialties: atmospheric sciences, climate change, remote sensing Current Research: Aerosol, cloud, and radiation interaction and their climatic impacts. |
Margaret (Peg) | Shippert | shippert@crash.colorado.edu | Organization: University of Colorado Boulder Department: Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) Title: student Specialties: remote sensing, biogeochemistry, trace gases Current Research: modeling methane emissions from arctic tundra using satellite and other remotely sensed data. |
Kunio | Shirasawa | kunio@pop.lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp | Organization: Hokkaido University Department: Institute of Low Temperature Science Specialties: air-sea-ice interactions, physical oceanography, sea ice Current Research: NOW (NOrth Water) Polynya Program; under-ice oceanic processes.Baltic Sea; BALTEX/BASIS (Baltic Air-Sea-Ice Studies), BALTEX/BRIDGE; under-ice oceanic processes, sea-ice physics.Baltic/Okhotsk seas; ice climatology. |
Thomas | Shirley | fftcs@uaf.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Department: School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (SFOS) - Juneau Center Specialties: invertebrate ecology, benthic ecology, crustacean biology Current Research: Dungeness crab ecology.King crab biology.Sea otter - crab interactions.Meiofauna - macrofauna interactions.Meiofauna (particularly harpacticoid copepods) systematics.Forage fish - sea bird relationships.Priapulid systematics.Handling effects on commercially important crabs. |
Alexander | Shirochkov | shirmak@aari.nw.ru | Organization: Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Roshydromet Department: Geophysical Deparment Specialties: ionospheric physics, space physics, atmospheric physics Current Research: Space Weather influence on the Arctic environment; Ionospheric radiowave propagation in the Arctic. |
Robert | Shives | rshives@nrcan.gc.ca | Organization: Natural Resources Canada Department: Natural Resources Canada Title: Head, Radiation Geophysics Section Specialties: radiation remote sensing, mineral exploration, environmental monitoring Current Research: Several airborne geophysical surveys combining gamma ray spectrometric (natural radioactivity of the earth's surface) with magnetic sensors, in Northern Canada, generally. Recently, Yukon Territory, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territory, NunavutHave applied technique for over three decades to mapping of bedrock and surficial geology, mineral exploration for wide variety of deposits/minerals, health and environmental issues. |
Christopher | Shock | fncds1@uaf.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Department: LAII Science Management Office Title: Web Manager/Information Coordinator-LAII Specialties: information systems/technology, data management, library/information specialist Current Research: Operate and maintain information systems, to include network and firewall, as well as web, data and GIS servers. Develop and program dynamic, interactive web sites to serve scientific data to worldwide audiences. Land-Atmosphere-Ice Interactions (LAII):http://www.laii.uaf.edu/International Tundra Experiment (ITEX):http://www.itex-science.net/Interdisciplinary Graduate Education and Research Training (IGERT):http://www.regional-resilience.uaf.edu/Bonanza Creek Long Term Ecological Research (LTER):http://www.lter.uaf.edu/ |
Sally | Shoop | sally.a.shoop@erdc.dren.mil | Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Specialties: geotechnical engineering, vehicle mobility, environmental sciences Current Research: Winter/spring vehicle mobility.Environmental site chracterization/monitoring. Seasonal effects on groundwater contamination.Stabilization of thawing soils.Winter traction testing and traction control.Electric vehicles in winter environment. |
Robert | Shuchman | shuchman@mtu.edu | Organization: Michigan Tech Research Institute Title: Vice President for Government Products and Services Specialties: remote sensing, sea ice Current Research: Sea ice classification.Satellite passive microwave observations of sea ice. |
Christopher | Shuman | cshuman@umbc.edu | Organization: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Department: Goddard Earth Science and Technology Center Title: Earth Scientist Specialties: climatology, glaciology, glaciology Current Research: Remote sensing of ice sheet surface phenomena in support of paleoclimate studies. |