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First Name | Last Name | ||
Scott | Goetz | scott.goetz@nau.edu | Organization: Northern Arizona University Department: School of Informatics & Computing Title: Professor Specialties: arctic boreal vulnerability, remote sensing, terrestrial ecosystems, permafrost Current Research: Remote sensing of vegetation change, primary production, permafrost landscapes. |
Joseph | Goff | josephgoff@i.ua | Organization: Self Specialties: frost heaving |
Francis | Gohin | francis.gohin@ifremer.fr | Organization: French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea Department: Departement D’Oceanographie Spatiale Specialties: sea ice, remote sensing Current Research: Scatterometry over sea ice. |
Warren | Gold | wgold@uw.edu | Organization: University of Washington Department: Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Title: Associate Professor Specialties: plant ecology, ecophysiology, alpine ecology Current Research: Plant ecology, physiology, and nitrogen cycling in polar deserts. |
Daniel | Goldner | Organization: Self Department: Physical Oceanography (54-1611) Title: Independent Consultant Specialties: physical oceanography, fjord/shelf oceanography, modeling Current Research: Box models of shelf-basin interaction. |
Scott | Goldsmith | osgoldsmith@alaska.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage Department: Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) Title: Professor Emeritus Specialties: Alaska fiscal policy, Alaska economy, economic modeling Current Research: Alaska economic projections 1995-2020.Alaska fiscal policy analysis.Economic importance of Anchorage International Airport.Costs of developing marginal Arctic oil fields. |
Robert | Goldstein | Title: Consultant Specialties: public health, biology, environmental sciences Current Research: Epidemiology, disease control, systems (native and introduced), and adaptability.Ecology, various plants, animals (land and marine) and insects.Climatology, climate change, natural hazards, disaster mitigation. |
Melissa | Goldstein | parkerenv@yahoo.com | Organization: Self Title: Toxicologist Specialties: environmental toxicology, wildlife, biology |
Michael | Goldstein | mgoldstein@fs.fed.us | Organization: U.S. Forest Service Department: Wildlife, Fisheries, Ecology and Watershed Title: Regional Land Management Planner Specialties: wildlife, environmental toxicology, disturbance ecology Current Research: wildlife ecology |
Steven | Goldstein | steveg@ldeo.columbia.edu | Organization: Columbia University Department: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) Title: Associate Director, Professor Specialties: geochemistry, geology, geodynamics Current Research: Project title is Petrology and Geochemistry of Gakkel Ridge Basalts |
Evgeniy | Golovko | evggolovko@yandex.ru | Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch Department: Institute of Linguistics Specialties: linguistics Current Research: Linguistic anthropology of Siberian and North American Eskimos. |
Miguel | Goni | miguel.goni@oregonstate.edu | Organization: Oregon State University Department: CEOAS Title: Professor Specialties: chemical oceanography, organic geochemistry Current Research: Organic matter cycling in the Beaufort Sea, Chukchi Sea. |
Deborah | Goodings | dgooding@nsf.gov | Organization: U.S. National Science Foundation Department: Department of Civil Engineering Title: Director of the Division of Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation Specialties: geotechnical engineering, environmental engineering, frost heaving Current Research: Frost heave/freeze consolidation in silts and clays. Boulder/pipeline jacking. Contaminant transport in freezing and thawing soils. |
Michael | Goodsite | migo@tek.sdu.dk | Organization: University of Southern Denmark Department: ATDD-ERL Title: Professor, Head of Department, Vice-Dean for Research Specialties: atmospheric chemistry, air pollution, environmental engineering Current Research: Developing a real time method for measuring reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) flux using relaxed eddy accumulation (REA). Dynamics and speciation of RGM in the Arctic.Mercury accumulation in Arctic. DANCEA project (long term records of atmospheric deposition of mercury, cadmium, lead, and POPs in peat cores from Arctic bogs). Development of corer capable of sampling frozen geologic samples (e.g. frozen pea). Expedition leader to Greenland, Arctic Canada, Faroe Islands. |
Ross | Goodwin | rgoodwin@ucalgary.ca | Organization: University of Calgary Department: Arctic Institute of North America (AINA) Title: Volunteer, Arctic Science and Technology Information System (ASTIS) Specialties: Information Science, Bibliographic Databases, Northern Canada, Arctic, Polar Regions Current Research: The Arctic Science and Technology Information System (ASTIS) is a bibliographic and research project database covering northern Canada. |
Harvey | Goodwin | harvey.goodwin@npolar.no | Organization: Norwegian Polar Institute Department: Department of Environmental Management Title: GIS Analyst Specialties: geographic information systems, sea ice remote sensing Current Research: Sea-ice classification using SAR satellite imagery. |
Michael | Goodyear | goodyear@churchillmb.net | Organization: Churchill Northern Studies Centre Title: Executive Director Specialties: marine mammals, snow, logistics Current Research: Currently developing a university level credit course on subarctic winter ecology. Also a Director of the Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies with a media-relations portfolio.collaborate: The Churchill Northern Studies Centre provides logistic support to a variety of American researchers from Dartmouth College, Maryville College, Hollins University, University of Iowa, University of Maine, University of Mississippi. Also a member of the Organization of Biological Field Stations. |
Timothy | Goos | tim.goos@gmail.com | Specialties: atmospheric sciences |
Michael | Gooseff | michael.gooseff@colorado.edu | Organization: University of Colorado Boulder Department: Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research, Department of Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering Title: Professor Specialties: hydrology, groundwater, biogeochemistry Current Research: Dr. Gooseff is currently the lead PI of the McMurdo Dry Valleys LTER project in Antarctica, and maintains a research thrust in the Arctic as well. He contributes to the Arctic LTER by continuing the monitoring of ground temperatures and meteorology at several thermokarst features near Toolik Field Station. This year he is initiating a new NSF-funded research project on the ecological significance of aufeis features with Alex Huryn (Univ of Alabama), Linda Deegan (MBL), and Ken Tape (UAF). |
Hugues | Goosse | hugues.goosse@uclouvain.be | Organization: Université catholique de Louvain Department: Institut d’Astronomie et de Géophysique G. Lamaître Title: Professor Specialties: climate modeling, sea ice modeling, ocean circulation Current Research: Impact of ice-ocean interactions on the global oceanic circulation.Decadal-to-centennial variability in high latitudes. |
Viatcheslav | Gordeev | gordeev@geo.sio.rssi.ru | Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch Department: Shirshov Institute of Oceanology Title: Leading Scientist Specialties: biogeochemistry, sedimentology Current Research: Land-Ocean Interaction in the Russian Arctic (LOIRA) -vice-chair ofSSC LOIRA.Mesoscale physical and biogeochemical processes in the coastal zone of the Russian Arctic Seas. INTAS-OPEN 97-1881.SIO team leader.Water and Constituent Fluxes Across the Eurasian Arctic: EvolvingLand-Ocean Connections over the Past 20,000 Years.Grant NSF, Russian-American Initiative on Shelf-Land Environment in the Arctic (RAISE). |
Mary Ellen | Gordian | anmegl@uaa.alaska.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage Department: Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies Title: MD, MPH Specialties: air pollution Current Research: Quality improvement projects. Air pollution research. |
Bryan | Gordon | bryan.gordon@civilization.ca | Organization: Canadian Museum of History Department: Curator Emeritus, Research Division Title: Curator Emeritus, Canadian Museum of History, Gatineau; and Adj. Prof., Carleton University, Ottawa Specialties: archaeology, caribou, human/environment interaction. Current Research: From my arctic experience I'm now working on Early Palaeoindian caribou hunters of eastern North America following the herds during deglaciation from Mississippi through a continuous line of States and Provinces (all with caribou remains) to northern Labrador. |
Semyon Nikolayevich | Gorokhov | oip@yagu.yakutsk.rospac.ru | Organization: North-Eastern Federal University Department: Department of Northern Peoples’ History Specialties: Native issues Current Research: Northern peoples problems: Yakutia, Russian northeast, and Alaska. |
Lee | Gorsuch | afelg@uaa.alaska.edu | Organization: City University of Seattle Title: President Emeritus Specialties: public policy, cultural anthropology, regional planning |