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First Name | Last Name | ||
Mary | Janis | janis_mary@asdk12.org | Organization: Anchorage School District Specialties: education, Native education, medical sciences Current Research: Minority preparation for post-baccalaureate professional education. |
Kirstin | Janssen | kirstin.janssen@uit.no | Organization: UiT: The Arctic University of Norway Department: Department of Zoology Title: Lecturer, Forensic Geneticist Specialties: evolution, animal genetics, avian ecology Current Research: I am currently working on the genetic basis and evolution of ventral plumage melanism in skuas and jaegers, using molecular genetic tools. |
Peter | Jansson | peter.jansson@natgeo.su.se | Organization: Tarfala Research Station (Stockholm University) Department: Department of Physical Geography Title: Professor Specialties: glaciology, snow, climate change Current Research: Material properties of subglacial till, Storglaciären.Longitudinal coupling in ice movement across a subglacial ridge.Hydrology of the firn area.En- and subglacial hydrology, Storglaciären.Dynamics of an advancing glacier terminus, Storglaciären.Studies of local climate in empty cirques located just beneath the glaciation level.Studies of basal ice underneath Engabreen, northern Norway. |
Annika | Jansson | alba_annie@hotmail.com | Organization: Uppsala University Title: Project Manager Specialties: sociolinguistics, sociology, literature Current Research: Immersion projects for Saami children in Norway, Sweden, and Finland (Sami Institute, Norway).Minority literatures; the situation of Swedish Saami Litterature (Center for multilingual studies, Uppsala).Reversing language shift, sociolinguistics project manager at the Saami Institute in Kautkeino, Norway.Project member at the Center for multilingual research in Uppsala, Sweden. |
Liisa | Jantunen | liisa.jantunen@canada.ca | Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada Department: Air Quality Processes Division (ARQP) Title: Research Chemist Specialties: environmental chemistry Current Research: Research on new and emerging compounds of interest in the Great Lakes and Arctic. |
Antero | Jarvinen | antero.jarvinen@helsinki.fi | Organization: University of Helsinki Department: Kilpisjarvi Biological Station Title: Professor, director Specialties: ornithology, ecology, environmental monitoring Current Research: Breeding adaptations of birds to cold environments and population dynamics of animals and plants. |
Shridhar | Jawak | shridhar.jawak@gmail.com | Organization: Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System Department: Remote Sensing Title: Remote Sensing Officer (Senior Adviser) Specialties: Earth observation, remote sensing, geoinformation science Current Research: I am interested in interdisciplinary research in Earth observation (EO) and Remote Sensing (RS) applications across various environments of the cryosphere. My research specifically focuses on the use of multi-platform, multi-resolution, and multi-sensor remote sensing for monitoring spatiotemporal changes in cryosphere (snow/ice, glaciers, icebergs), terrestrial (vegetation, topography) and marine (bio-optical properties) environments of the Arctic, Himalayas, and Antarctica. |
Chadwick | Jay | cjay@usgs.gov | Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Department: Alaska Science Center, Biological Resources Division Title: Research Ecologist Specialties: fisheries, marine mammals Current Research: Walrus ecology.Marine mammal telemetry. |
Charles | Jefferson | cjeffers@nrcan.gc.ca | Organization: Natural Resources Canada Department: Geological Survey of Canada - Mineral Resource Division Title: Scientist Emeritus Specialties: mineral resource assessment, geology, sedimentology Current Research: Non-renewable resource assessment in proposed northern national parks (e.g. Nahanni, Wager Bay, Tuktut Nogait, Victoria Island, Banks Island, northern Bathurst Island, Wolf Lake Yukon).Providing advice for resource assessment related to the Northwest Territories Protected Areas Strategy. |
Martin | Jeffries | jeffriesmo@gmail.com | Organization: Self Specialties: sea ice, lake ice, remote sensing Current Research: Lake ice growth and decay and impact on water resources and ground thermal regime.Climate sensitivity of lake ice and permafrost.Synthetic aperture radar remote sensing of lake ice processes.Ice shelf variability and climate change, northernmost Ellesmere Island, Canadian High Arctic. |
Emily | Jenkins | emily.jenkins@usask.ca | Organization: University of Saskatchewan Department: Department of Veterinary Microbiology - Western College of Veterinary Medicine Title: Associate Professor Specialties: parasitology, dall sheep, veterinary medicine Current Research: Primary field site is in the Mackenzie Mountains, NWT, near Norman Wells.Parasite Parelaphostrongylus odocoilei, recently discovered to be present in Dall sheep. |
George | Jenner | gjenner@mun.ca | Organization: Memorial University of Newfoundland Department: Department of Earth Sciences Title: Professor Specialties: geochemistry, geology, geochronology Current Research: Regional metallogeny of Nunavut.Origin and age of volcanics in Prince Albert and Woodburn Lake Groups.Origin of gold in banded iron formations. |
Anne | Jennings | anne.jennings@colorado.edu | Organization: University of Colorado Boulder Title: Research Scientist Specialties: paleoecology, paleoceanography, quaternary geology Current Research: Hudson Strait, SE Baffin Island Shelf, E. Greenland Shelf, W and SW Iceland Shelf, NW Labrador Sea. |
Brenda | Jensen | bjensen@hpu.edu | Organization: Hawaii Pacific University Department: Biology Department Title: Professor Specialties: marine mammals, toxicology Current Research: Halogenated aromatic hydrocarbon toxicity in marine mammals via interactions with the Ah receptor. |
Anya | Jensen | aj@dpc.dk | Organization: Danish Minister for Higher Education and Science Department: Biblioteket Title: Assistant Librarian |
Anne | Jensen | ajensen@alaska.edu | Organization: Ukpeaġvik Iñupiat Corporation (UIC) Science Department: Anthropology Title: Senior Scientist & Cultural Resources Manager Specialties: archaeology, human/environment interaction, traditional knowledge and wisdom Current Research: Climate-faunal-human interaction in North Alaska.Archaeology of the North Slope, especially the Point Barrow-Point Franklin region. Nuvuk site and cemetery (cal AD 875-1400). Thule origins and development. Traditional knowledge of the North Slope. Inupiaq epistemology. |
Bjørn Munro | Jenssen | bjorn.munro.jenssen@ntnu.no | Organization: Norwegian University of Science and Technology Department: Department of Zoology Title: Professor Specialties: environmental toxicology, animal physiology, pollution Current Research: Effects of persistent organic contaminants on endotherms adaptations to arctic environment.Development and application of biomarkers to detect exposure and effects of contaminants on arctic endotherms and fish. |
Helgi | Jensson | helgij@ust.is | Organization: Environment Agency of Iceland Department: Envirmental Supervision Division Title: Senior Consultant Specialties: environmental policy, environmental contaminants, climate change Current Research: Monitoring and assessment of the status of the Arctic in regard to both pollution and climate impact |
Hans Festersen | Jepsen | hfj@geus.dk | Organization: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Department: Department of Geological Mapping Title: Senior Research Scientist Specialties: remote sensing, geology, stratigraphy Current Research: Compilation of geological mapsheet 9, Lambert Land, 1:500,000, North East Greenland. |
Michele | Jesperson | michelej@dnr.state.ak.us | Organization: U.S. National Park Service Department: Alaska State Historic Preservation Office Title: Cultural Resources Management Specialist Specialties: archaeology |
Stephen | Jewett | scjewett@alaska.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Department: School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (SFOS/IMS) Title: Professor Emeritus Specialties: benthic ecology, disturbance ecology, environmental assessment Current Research: Assessment of benthic environment relative to the 2008 Kasatochi volcano eruption.EMAP assessment of contaminants in the nearshore Aleutian Islands.EMAP assessment of contaminants in the nearshore Chukchi Sea.Monitoring of nearshore Amchitka Island for possible leaking radionuclides.Diving Safety Officer for UA. |
Gensuo | Jia | jiong@tea.ac.cn | Organization: Institute of Atmospheric Physics (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Department: CAS Key Lab of Regional Climate-Environment for East Asia Title: Professor Specialties: terrestrial ecosystems, remote sensing, climate change Current Research: vegetation dynamics, land use/cover changes, multi-scale remote sensing of land surface processes, land-atmosphere interactions, assimilation of remote sensing and in-situ data for vegetation-climate modeling, ecosystem carbon budget |
Shigan | Jiang | jshigan@stevens-tech.edu | Organization: Stevens Institute of Technology Department: Physics & Engineering Physics Department Specialties: sea ice optics, physics Current Research: sea ice |
Hongli | Jiang | jiang@atmos.colostate.edu | Organization: Colorado State University Department: Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere Title: Research Scientist Specialties: atmospheric sciences, boundary-layer meteorology, modeling |
Tsang-Ming | Jiang | fftj@uaf.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Department: Department of Mathematical Sciences Specialties: modeling Current Research: Lightning prediction in interior Alaska.Oil reservoir modeling using parallel supercomputer. |