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First Name Last Name Email
Zhanqing Li li@ccrs.emr.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, meteorology, remote sensing

Current Research: Satellite remote sensing. Earth radiation budget. Climate.

Wei Li liw@munin.mat.stevens-tech.edu

Organization: Stevens Institute of Technology

Department: Department of Physics and Engineering Physics

Specialties: cryospheric remote sensing, atmospheric sciences, ice

Current Research: Satellite remote sensing in the Polar region to distinguish cloud from snow and/or sea-ice, retrieve surface properties, and calculate the radiation budget.

Shusun Li sli@gi.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Geophysical Institute (GI)

Title: Research Professor

Specialties: glaciology, remote sensing, sea ice dynamics

Current Research: Interrelationship between sea ice properties, structure and synthetic aperture radar signatures during the summer to winter transition in the Beaufort/Chukchi Sea. The use of SAR-interferometry for volcano monitoring. Sea ice physical-structural characteristics, development and SAR signatures.

David Libbey

Title: Anthropologist

Specialties: cultural anthropology, ethnohistory, history

Current Research: Alaska’s North Slope.

Karsten Liber karsten.liber@usask.ca

Organization: University of Saskatchewan

Department: Toxicology Centre

Title: Director

Specialties: aquatic toxicology, environmental sciences, aquatic ecology

Current Research: Toxicity and toxicity identification. Evaluation of how effluent from diamond mining in the Northwest Territories affects aquatic ecosystems, especially invertebrates.

Bonnie Light bonlight@uw.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Polar Science Center

Title: APL Principal Physicist

Specialties: sea ice optics, ice physics, air-sea-ice interactions

Current Research: Radiative transfer modeling of sea ice and snow.

Chuen-Sen Lin ffcl@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Department of Mechanical Engineering

Specialties: mechanical engineering, marine engineering, modeling

Current Research: Mechanical system design and modeling.

David Lin dlindeman@crdf.org

Organization: CRDF Global

Department: Cooperative Grants Programs

Title: Program Director

Specialties: science management

Current Research: U.S.-Russian cooperative grantmaking in arctic sciences

Hsing Kuang Lin ffhkl@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Mineral Industry Research Laboratory

Specialties: resource development, mining, environmental engineering

Current Research: Removal of lead from contaminated soils (ASTF grant). Lime roasting of an Alaskan gold ore (private industry grant). Pulverized coal injection (DOE grant).

Johnny Wei-Bing Lin jlin@geosci.uchicago.edu

Organization: North Park University

Title: Postdoctoral Researcher

Specialties: sea ice, heat budget analysis, climate modeling

Current Research: Analysis of surface heat budget in terms of large-scale control, effects of stochastic models of sea-ice leads

Steve Lindberg sll@ornl.gov

Organization: Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Department: Environmental Sciences Division

Title: Corporate Research Fellow

Specialties: biogeochemistry, atmospheric chemistry, trace metals

Current Research: Atmospheric chemistry and deposition of mercury in Arctic ecosystems.

Christopher Linder clinder@whoi.edu

Organization: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Department: Department of Physical Oceanography

Title: Research Associate

Specialties: physical oceanography, science writing, climate change

Current Research: Edge of the Arctic Shelf outreach effort: www.whoi.edu/arcticedge

John Lindow lindow@berkeley.edu

Organization: University of California, Santa Barbara

Department: Department of Scandinavian

Title: Professor

Specialties: folklore

Current Research: Sami folklore. Greenlandic folklore.

Kent Lindquist kent@giseis.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Geophysical Institute (GI)

Title: Seismologist

Specialties: seismology

Current Research: Near-real-time seismology for earthquake and volcano monitoring.

Ronald Lindsay lindsay@apl.washington.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Polar Science Center - Applied Physics Laboratory

Title: Principal Physicist

Specialties: sea ice modeling, sea ice remote sensing, sea ice thermodynamics

Current Research: RadarSat Geophysical Processor System products. Data assimilation. Ice thickness distributions.

Feng Ling lingf@zqu.edu.cn

Organization: Zhaoqing University

Department: Department of Computer Science

Title: Professor

Specialties: cryosphere, energy exchange, permafrost

Current Research: lake ice and snow modeling

Craig Lingle clingle@gi.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Geophysical Institute (GI)

Specialties: glaciology, ice mechanics, remote sensing

Current Research: SAR investigations of glaciers in Northwestern North America - surge of Bering Glacier and imaging and photography of late summer snowline position. Satellite radar altimetry and ice-sheet dynamics. Measurement of surface velocity and elevations with SAR imagery - applications to glaciers and the solid earth.

Angela Linn ajlinn@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Museum of the North

Department: Ethnology and History

Title: Senior Collections Manager, Ethnology & History

Specialties: museum studies, ethnology, history, anthropology, northern studies

Current Research: Past, present, and future of Alaska's museums; Alaska Native material culture; Collections management of ethnological and historic material; Exhibits development;

Robert Lipkin anrl@uaa.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage

Department: Alaska Natural Heritage Program

Specialties: plant systematics, biogeography

Current Research: Vascular plant floristics and biogeography of Alaska and adjacent regions. Rare plants of Alaska and the Arctic.

Panya Lipovsky panya.lipovsky@gov.yk.ca

Organization: Yukon Geological Survey

Department: Yukon Geological Survey

Title: Geomorphologist and GIS specialist

Specialties: geomorphology, geographic information systems, permafrost

Current Research: Landslides in permafrost terrain, and relationships to climate change

Heike Lippert hlippert@awi.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Department: Department of Benthic Ecosystems

Title: Diploma Biologist

Specialties: marine ecology, marine biology

Current Research: Spitzbergen, Kongsfjord.

William Lipscomb lipscomb@ucar.edu

Organization: National Center for Atmospheric Research

Department: Climate and Global Dynamics

Title: Senior Research Scientist

Specialties: ice modeling, ice sheet geophysics, climate modeling

Current Research: -Works in LANL's Climate, Ocean and Sea Ice Modeling (COSIM) group -Current focus is on developing improved models of polar ice sheets for climate and sea-level prediction. -Co-chair of the Land Ice Working Group for the Community Climate System Model (CCSM) -Closely involved in the DOE IMPACTS project on abrupt climate change, as well as the DOE ISICLES project on computational advances in ice sheet modeling

David Lipson dlipson@sciences.sdsu.edu

Organization: San Diego State University

Department: Department of Biology

Title: Assistand Professor

Specialties: soil microbiology

Shirley Liss shirley@dnr.state.ak.us

Organization: Alaska Department of Natural Resources

Department: Alaska Department of Natural Resources

Title: Geologist

Specialties: geology, mining, geophysics

Current Research: Geologic mapping in the Chulitna, Petersville, and Manley areas.

Ronald Liston rliston@crrel.usace.army.mil

Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Specialties: vehicle mobility