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Carolyn Wegner cwegner@ifm-geomar.de

Organization: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

Department: Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften Dienstgebäude

Specialties: marine sedimentology, fluid mechanics, fjord/shelf oceanography

Current Research: Suspended matter dynamic, sediment budget, sediment transport on arctic shelves. Determination of suspended matter by optical and acoustic measuring devices. Land-ocean interactions on arctic shelves.

Lawrence Weider ljweider@ou.edu

Organization: University of Oklahoma

Department: Biology

Title: Professor of Biology

Specialties: aquatic biology, evolution, ecology, population genetics

Current Research: Circumarctic phylogeography and biodiversity of freshwater microcrustaceans; population and evolutionary genetics of arctic freshwater zooplankton; climate change and arctic zooplankton; resurrection ecology of long-dormant propagules (i.e., zooplankton resting eggs)

Dominik Weiel dweiel@awi.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Title: Geologist, PhD Student

Specialties: marine sedimentology, glacial geology, paleoclimatology

Current Research: Russian High Arctic (western Laptev Sea, Vilkitsky Strait, Kara Sea). Central Arctic Ocean (Alpha Ridge). Marine echosounding. Bulk mineralogy. Paleomagnetics. Physical properties. Microfacies. Paleocurrents.

Pal Weihe pal@ahs.fo

Department: Department of Occupational and Public Health

Title: Chief Physician

Specialties: toxicology, human/environment interaction

Current Research: Methylmercury and POPs.

Michael Weiler mh.weiler@mikmaki.ca

Organization: Mi'kma'ki All Points Services

Title: Senior Associate & Research Coordinator

Specialties: Native studies, Indigenous knowledge, geographic information systems

Current Research: Indigenous knowledge, traditional land & resource uses, traditonal resource management techniques, environmental impact assessment, caribou, geographic information systems, and research capacity building in Aboriginal communities.

Ross Wein ross.wein@ualberta.ca

Organization: University of Alberta

Department: Renewable Resources and Canadian Circumpolar Institute

Title: Professor

Specialties: boreal forests, fire ecology, climate change

Current Research: Inuvik area of the Mackenzie Delta on Gwich’in Land. Wood Buffalo National Park.

Thomas Weingartner tjweingartner@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: School of Fisheries and Ocean Science - Institute of Marine Science

Title: Professor

Specialties: ocean circulation, physical geography, marine environment

Current Research: Arctic continental shelf dynamics in the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas using oceanographic moorings, shipboard measurements, HF radar, and satellite-tracked drifters.

Martin Weinstein wstein@cablerocket.com

Organization: Self

Specialties: natural resources management, subsistence, traditional knowledge and wisdom

Current Research: Environmental values of Cree, Athabaskan, Salish, Kwakiutl, and Tsimshian cultural groups. Canadian aboriginal-community land use mapping projects. Assessment of the impacts of large-scale resource developments on subsistence economies. Traditional ecological knowledge and its use in conflict identification, resolution, and planning. Socio-economic side of wildlife and fisheries management. Community-based fisheries and wildlife management.

Michael Weintraub michael.weintraub@utoledo.edu

Organization: University of Toledo

Department: Environmental Sciences

Title: Professor, Environmental Sciences

Specialties: biogeochemistry, nutrient dynamics, soil ecology, terrestrial ecosystems

Current Research: Effects of climate on soil nutrient availability.

Jérôme Weiss weiss@lgge.obs.ujf-grenoble.fr

Organization: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / French National Center for Scientific Research

Department: Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l'Environnement

Specialties: physics, sea ice modeling, sea ice dynamics

Current Research: Scaling in the deformation and fracture of arctic sea ice; Seismology of arctic sea ice

Ronald Welch welch@atmos.uah.edu

Organization: University of Alabama in Huntsville

Department: Global Hydrology and Climate Center

Title: Chair

Specialties: remote sensing, climate change, environmental monitoring

Current Research: Polar cloud masks. Radiative energy budgets. Cloud property retrievals. Aerosol retrievals. Ecosystem characterization.

David Welch david.welch@pc.gc.ca

Organization: Parks Canada

Department: Ecological Integrity Branch

Title: Ph.D., Physical Science Advisor

Specialties: geomorphology, climate change, air pollution

Current Research: Climate change effects on arctic ecosystems, and park management adaptation strategies.

Jeffrey Welker jmwelker@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage

Department: Environment and Natural Resources Institute (ENRI)

Title: Director of ENRI, Professor of Biology at UAA

Specialties: tundra ecology, climate change, ecosystem science

Current Research: Species and ecosystem responses to changes in snow cover and warmer temperatures in the low and high arctic. Winter CO2 dynamics in the Arctic.

Jeffrey Welker jmwelker@uaa.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage

Department: Environment and Natural Resources Institute (ENRI)

Title: Director of ENRI, Professor of Biology at UAA

Specialties: tundra ecology, climate change, ecosystem science

Current Research: Species and ecosystem responses to changes in snow cover and warmer temperatures in the low and high arctic. Winter CO2 dynamics in the Arctic.

Jeffrey Welker afjmw1@uaa.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage

Department: Environment and Natural Resources Institute (ENRI)

Title: Director of ENRI, Professor of Biology at UAA

Specialties: tundra ecology, climate change, ecosystem science

Current Research: Species and ecosystem responses to changes in snow cover and warmer temperatures in the low and high arctic. Winter CO2 dynamics in the Arctic.

Gunter Weller ffgew@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Geophysical Institute (GI)

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, air-sea-ice interactions, climate change

Current Research: Mesoscale climate modeling. Arctic contamination research and assessment program - monitoring and assessing contaminants in Alaska. The Arctic Flux Study: a regional view of trace gas release. Global change and the polar regions.

Dave Wells krillesbear@postmaster.co.uk

Organization: Lake Quinault Museum

Title: Executive Director

Specialties: museum studies, education, community development

Current Research: Museology: ethnocultural preservation, relational education, holistic exhibition. Non-material culture. Cultural control and participation in planning, education programming, facilities planning/architectural programming.

Walter Welsch welsch@glabse.bauv.unibw-muenchen.de

Organization: Bundeswehr University Munich

Department: Institut fur Geodaesie

Specialties: geodesy, mapping

Current Research: Juneau Icefield Research Program.

James Welsh jpwelsh@crrel.usace.army.mil

Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Title: Joint Test Director

Specialties: geophysics, air-sea-ice interactions, modeling

Current Research: Computer or synthetic environment modeling.

Gerd Wendler gdwendler@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Geophysical Institute (GI)

Title: Director, Alaska Climate Research Center. Professor of Geophysics, Emeritus

Specialties: air-sea-ice interactions, boundary-layer meteorology, meteorology, climatology, sea ice, climate change

Current Research: Sitka, located in southeastern coastal Alaska, is the only meteorological station in Alaska and northern coastal British Columbia, with a long climatological record, going back to the first half of the nineteenth century. Sitka was the capital of Alaska, when it was part of the Russian Empire, to which Alaska belonged until 1867, when the American government purchased it. In 1827, the Russian established an observatory on Baranof Island, Sitka Harbor, which made 17-hourly observations, later extended to 19 and thereafter to all hours of the day. When analyzing the data, the 12-day time difference between the Russian (Julian) calendar, at which the observations were made, and ours (Gregorian) has to be considered. The climate of Sitka is maritime, with relative warm winter temperatures—there is no month with a mean temperature below freezing—and moderately warm summer temperatures with 4 months above the 10 °C level and plentiful precipitation all-year long. It is the warmest zone of Alaska. Even though there is a substantial break in observations in the late nineteenth century, these are the only observation, which started so early in the nineteenth century. Systematic US-based observations commenced much later normally in connection with the gold rush, whaling in Northern Alaska, and the fur trade, predominantly along the Yukon River. During the 186 years of observations from 1827 to 2013, the best linear fit gave a temperature increase of 1.56 °C for the whole period or 0.86 °C per century, somewhat lower than expected for the relatively high latitudes. The increase was nonlinear, with several multi-decadal variations. However, when comparing the first normal (1831–1860) to the last normal (1981–2010) and assuming a linear trend, a higher value of 1.06 °C per century was calculated. The discrepancy might be explained by nonlinearity and the fact that during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, observations were sporadic. Furthermore, the observed warming is less pronounced than the values found for Interior and especially Arctic Alaska for later time period for which such a comparison was possible (Wendler et al. 2014). Significant correlation values were found with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), the North Pacific (NP) Index, El Nino 3.4, and the 18.4 years nodal tide; the latter was previously reported in an excellent investigation by T. Royer (1993).

Willy Lehmann Weng ww@geus.dk

Organization: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland

Department: Geological Data Centre

Title: Geodesist

Specialties: cartography, geodesy, geographic information systems

Current Research: Cartography and GIS.

George Wenzel george.wenzel@mcgill.ca

Organization: McGill University

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Professor

Specialties: Inuit culture, hunting, socioeconomics, H-G sharing

Current Research: Integration of money within subsistence systems and its effects on indigenous institutions that facilitate(d) the allocation and re-distribution of traditional resources.

Alan Werner awerner@mtholyoke.edu

Organization: Mount Holyoke College

Department: Department of Geology and Geography

Title: Professor of Geology

Specialties: glacial geology
Quaternary geology

Current Research: Holocene climate change,
Late Wisconsinan climatic change
Lacustrine records of environmental change.

Iris Werner iwerner@ipoe.uni-kiel.de

Organization: University of Kiel

Department: Institute for Polar Ecology

Specialties: marine ecology, sea ice biota, zooplankton

Current Research: Biology and ecology of under-ice fauna. Physiology of under-ice amphipods. Interactions between sea ice and water column.

Eugene Wescott rocket@giuaf.gi.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Geophysical Institute (GI)

Specialties: space physics, auroral studies, rockets and missiles

Current Research: Shaped charge injection of field aligned Ba and Ca plasma to investigate the physics of mass-dependent ion acceleration. Fluorescent plasma tracer and perturbation experiments from sounding rockets. Barium, strontiu.m and calcium experiments from the CRRES satellite Red sprites and blue jets - middle atmospheric electrical breakdown above thunderstorms.