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First Name | Last Name | ||
Jan | Weslawski | weslaw@iopan.gda.pl | Organization: Polish Academy of Sciences Department: Department of Marine Ecology - Institute of Oceanology Specialties: marine ecology, population ecology, benthic ecology Current Research: Sedimentology.BIODAFF - biodiversity and fluxes in Arctic glaciated fjords -cooperative, interdisciplinary project in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard.IAPP - International Arctic Polynya Project - NE and NW Greenland.APARD- Arctic Paleoriver Discharge.LITUS - Sandy littoral ecology of Bjornoya and Spitsbergen. |
Vidar | Wespestad | vidar@att.net | Organization: Pacific Whiting Conservation Cooperative Specialties: fish populations, fisheries, ecosystem modeling Current Research: Population dynamics of Alaska pollock and other pelagic species in the Bering Sea.Estimation of harvest strategies for Alaska pollock and other species in the Bering Sea.Retrieval and analysis of Russian historic fisheries survey data from the eastern Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska. |
Dixie | West | dlwest@ksu.edu | Organization: University of Kansas Department: Biodiversity Institute Title: Adjunct research professor Specialties: climate change, human adaptation and resilience, subsistence, Current Research: Collaborative research in the Islands of the Four Mountains, Aleutian Islands, Alaska. |
Erling | Westlien | erling.westlien@shell.com | Organization: Shell Oil Company Title: Environmental Toxicologist/Project Manager Specialties: environmental toxicology, environmental assessment, water quality Current Research: Assessment and cleanup of environmental impact due to residual contamination associated with oil and gas exploration and other resource development activities in the arctic. |
John | Wettlaufer | john.wettlaufer@yale.edu | Organization: Yale University Department: Physics and Geology & Geophysics and Mathematics Title: A.M. Bateman Professor of Geophysics, Mathematics and Physics Specialties: physics, ice physics, sea ice thermodynamics Current Research: The physics of ice surfaces: ice/vapor, ice/ice, ice/particle.Crystal growth.Sea ice. |
Patricia | Weyrick | pweyrick@crrel.usace.army.mil | Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Department: Geological Sciences Division Specialties: geographic information systems, hydrology, water quality Current Research: Geographic information system of Fort Richardson and Fort Wainwright, and FUD sites in Alaska. |
Michael | Whalen | mtwhalen@alaska.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Department: Department of Geosciences Title: Professor Specialties: carbonate sedimentology and stratigraphy, paleoceanography, paleogeography, paleoclimatology Current Research: Stratigraphy and depositional history of the Chicxulub impact crater-fill. Sequence stratigraphy of the marine Triassic of northern Alaska. Sequence and cyclo-stratigraphy of the Devonian of western Canada. Sequence stratigraphy of the Mississippian/Pennsylvanian Lisburne Group, northern Alaska. |
Mary | Whalen | mary_whalen@usgs.gov | Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Department: Alaska Science Center - Biological Resources Division Title: Fish and Wildlife Biologist Specialties: fisheries, freshwater fish Current Research: Nearshore vertebrate predators.Dolly Varden population dynamics. |
Robert | Wharton, Jr. | rwharton@isu.edu | Organization: Idaho State University Department: Office of Research Title: Chief Research Officer, Chief Executive Officer Specialties: aquatic ecology, climatology Current Research: Effects of ice cover on lake ecosystem properties. |
Robin | Whatley | riw@aber.ac.uk | Organization: University of Wales Department: Department of Geology Title: Professor Specialties: micropaleontology, ecology Current Research: Distribution and ecology Quaternary and recent Ostracoda in Greenland waters, Spitzbergen, and Arctic Ocean. |
Stephen | Wheeler | s.wheeler@d11.uscg.mil | Organization: U.S. Coast Guard Department: Ice Operations Sections/Polar Icebreaker Management Specialties: logistics Current Research: Manages Coast Guard icebreaking assets (including CG icebreakers, USCGC Polar Star, and USCGC Polar Sea) as ice pilot, science liaison, etc.Facilitate all aspects of deployment planning and execution.Deploys annually to McMurdo Station for Antarctic operations. |
Robert | Wheelersburg | wheelersburg@etown.edu | Organization: Retired Department: Department of Sociology-Anthropology Specialties: cultural anthropology, history, natural resources management Current Research: Scandinavia.Saami.Natural resource utilization.Transportation system development. |
John | Whissel | jwhissel@airlie.com | Department: Swan Research Program Title: Biologist Specialties: waterfowl migration, wetland ecology, education Current Research: I am currently studying the migration of Tundra Swans breeding near the Colville River Delta on Alaska's North Slope using color coded neck/tarsus bands, satellite telemetry, and radio telemetry. I will be monitoring the migration in real-time, and using this monitoring to present a k-12 education program that will engage students in discussion with each other about the migration they are watching unfold. |
Thomas | White | white@permafrost.ca | Organization: Linden Research Group Department: Permafrost Environmental Consulting Title: Principal Permafrost Scientist Specialties: pipelines, permafrost engineering, climate change Current Research: Pipelines in Permafrost, Mackenzie Gas Pipeline Project, Contaminats in Permafrost affceted soils, Dewline Stations in NWT soil impact studies |
James | White | jwhite@colorado.edu | Organization: University of Colorado Boulder Department: Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) Title: Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Specialties: paleoclimatology, biogeochemistry, climate change Current Research: Ice cores and climate change.Greenhouse gases, past and present. |
Daniel | White | uaf.chancellor@alaska.edu | Organization: University of Alaska System Title: Chancellor Specialties: climate change, drinking water, rural sanitation Current Research: Impact of climate change on water resources, with particular emphasis on drinking water. Long-term study of drinking water vulnerability and human adaptive capacity. |
James | White | jwhite@nrcan.gc.ca | Organization: Natural Resources Canada Department: Geological Survey of Canada Title: Research Scientist Specialties: palynology, biostratigraphy, paleoclimatology Current Research: Cenozoic biostratigraphy and paleoclimatology. |
Kathleen | White | kwhite@hanover-crrel.army.mil | Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Department: Ice Engineering Research Division Title: research hydraulic engineer Specialties: ice jams, river ice Current Research: Ice jam formation, mitigation and control.Breakup jam prediction.Ice jam mitigation through project operation.Updating CRREL Ice Jam Database. |
Robert | White | bob.white@alaska.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage Title: Professor and Director Emeritus Specialties: nutritional ecology, animal physiology, caribou Current Research: Climate changeComparative physiologyMuskoxPhysiological ecologyModeling caribou and muskox biology.Reproductive biology of caribou and muskoxen.Absorption and digestive function.Adaptation of animals to climate extremes.Sustainability of human communities dependent on subsistence resources.Human dimensions of global change. |
Joseph | White | clancy@unb.ca | Organization: University of New Brunswick Department: Geology Department Title: Professor Specialties: geology, tectonophysics, earthquakes Current Research: Central Arctic Islands, Canada. |
John | Whitehead | jwhitehead@whoi.edu | Organization: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Department: Department of Physical Oceanography Title: Senior Scientist Specialties: physical oceanography, modeling, fluid mechanics Current Research: Convection.Thermohaline effects.Fronts.Mixing. |
Nia | Whiteley | n.m.whiteley@bangor.ac.uk | Organization: Bangor University Department: School of Biological Sciences Title: Lecturer in Animal Physiology Specialties: crustacean biology, comparative physiology Current Research: Physiological responses of aquatic organisms to environmental change. Particularly interested in the responses shown by cold-adapted ectotherms to climate change. Past projects have studied stress responses in Antarctic and Arctic fish, and the effects of latitudinal thermal gradients on the expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms in the muscles of marine crustaceans. Recent work has concentrated on latitudinal variations in metabolism and growth in congeneric species of gammarid amphipods. |
Paul | Whitfield | paul.h.whitfield@gmail.com | Organization: Centre For Hydrology (University of Saskatchewan) Department: University of Saskatchewan Title: Emeritus Scientist Specialties: hydrology, water quality, climatology Current Research: Climate change impacts on hydrology in mountains and cold regions |
Andrew | Whitham | andrew.whitham@casp.co.uk | Organization: Cambridge Arctic Shelf Programme Specialties: sedimentology, stratigraphy Current Research: East Greenland. |
Terry | Whitledge | terry@ims.uaf.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Department: School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (SFOS) Title: Professor/Senior Research Scientist Specialties: oceanography, nutrient dynamics, phytoplankton Current Research: Sampling nutrients and phytoplankton in the Arctic by submarine.Nutrient dynamics associated with physical and biological processes in the Southeast Bering Sea Carrying Capacity Program.The ecological significance of the inner front and the Bering Sea to high trophic levels.Investigation of frontal processes in the vicinity of the Pribilof Islands. |