Meeting Reports and Summaries
AOOSM Final Report (PDF - 2 MB)
Citation: C.M. Lee, M. Shupe, C. Wilson, L. Sheffield Guy, H.V. Wiggins, M. Bennett, E. Hoy, R. Kwok, A. Nguyen, D. Payer, E. Schuur, S. Starkweather, L. Stearns (eds.), Arctic Observing Open Science Meeting Report. Arctic Research Consortium of the US (ARCUS), Fairbanks, Alaska. 2017. 6 pp. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17167.79521
AOOSM Brief Summary Report Slides (PDF - 942 KB)
Parallel Session Summaries
Parallel Session Summaries - All (PDF - 875 KB)
Terrestrial Arctic - Sessions I & II (PDF - 598 KB)
Arctic Atmosphere - Sessions I & II (PDF - 629 KB)
Community Based Monitoring (PDF - 635 KB)
Marine Ecosystems (PDF - 587 KB)
The Fate of Sea Ice (PDF - 610 KB)
Ocean Circulation and Mixing (PDF - 599 KB)
Robust Autonomous Arctic Observations (PDF - 587 KB)
Human Dimensions of the Arctic (PDF - 597 KB)
Application of High Latitude Observations and Experiments in Regional to Global Climate Modeling (PDF - 588 KB)
Ice Sheets and Glaciers (PDF - 588 KB)
Meeting the Needs of Managers and Decision Makers (PDF - 600 KB)
Arctic Observing Open Science Meeting products at the 2016 Arctic Observing Summit
- View Arctic Observing Summit full program here
Arctic Observing Open Science Meeting Short Statement(Download PDF - 59 KB)
AOS Poster: The 2015 Arctic Observing Open Science Meeting (AOOSM) – Community achievements, goals, and advancements toward a thriving, collaborative network of Arctic observations(Download PDF - 6.7 MB)
Other Products
- AOOSM Summary in Witness the Arctic -
- Presentations to relevant Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) Collaboration Teams